Well hello there! You know, it’s been said that you can find anything on the internet. The fact that you are here, reading this is ample proof of that.
A quick primer on me:
- I love snacks of all kinds. They are tasty and have the added bonus of keeping me nice and plump for the frigid winters up North
- I like to build things with my bear hands – LEGO, IKEA furniture, computers etc. Not having thumbs doesn’t slow me down one bit
- I spend lots of time contemplating random philosophical topics and thought experiments
Feel free to browse around, but be warned – I take no responsibility for any existential angst or emotional damage caused by this site.That’s on you. How did you even get here?!
P.S – All the images and pictures I use on my site are created/taken by me. Please don’t use them without permission and credit.

          Aren’t I adorable?