Andes – Peppermint Crunch
If you have checked my recent posts, you may have noticed I did another review of a similarly mint chocolate flavour by Andes. You may be thinking, isn’t this basically the same thing? To which I would say…you probably aren’t too far off. But tis the season, no? When else am I going to find Christmas-y snacks that aren’t horribly out of season or aggressively expired?
Thankfully I quite enjoy chocolate mint, and Andes in general. If it were up to me I would have likely just gotten two bags of the same variation, but I figure I would try these to see what difference there is between this and the other flavour.

These are bigger than the Andes chocolates I remember, the ones that came in a box and were all foil wrapped. These are all individually wrapped and are at the very least, 1.2 to 1.3 times the size of a standard piece. These are big enough to warrant an individual sealed wrapper, as opposed to the typical foil wrap of the old classic ones.
The flavour is stereotypical white chocolate and peppermint. The chocolate itself is quite sweet as you can imagine, but it’s balanced out well by the peppermint flavour. The mint flavour is strong, but not in a bad way that you imagine mint toothpaste. The flavour of the mint is strong enough that it lingers a while in your mouth, leaving it feeling slightly refreshed and clean. Well, at least until you the aftertaste of the chocolate kicks in. It’s not super aggressive or clingy, but more of a passive aggressive linger. Manageable would be the best way I can describe it.

The texture is fairly straightforward – it’s mostly just a slab of white chocolate that’s not too firm or brittle and has little pieces of what I assume are peppermint candy. The little pieces, whatever they may be don’t have a texture that’s too far off from the chocolate so it’s not a crazy contrast of textures. It has just enough to give it a little crunch to keep things interesting. I found myself trying to isolate the little red candy cane pieces to see what they are like on their own. They do indeed remind me of the hard candy sensation of an actual candy cane. It’s a lot like eating a cheap peppermint bark.

I would be lying if I said these were anything beyond a cheap, tasty chocolate. But sometimes you don’t have to be expensive or fancy to get the job done, and boy do these do just that. I would get these again, but I would probably try to find people to share with, as these are addictive and can lead to a few too many extra Christmas pounds if not careful. If I had to choose between this and the peppermint cookie crunch flavour, I may opt for that one just because I feel it goes down easier and feels more natural, but these are in a close second.