Andy Capp’s – Cheddar Fries
I vaguely recall in my childhood that my family went on one of those guided tours to the US, and one of the memorable spots I can still remember is a science centre. Apart from all the cool exhibits and some interesting computer lab with a dinosaur game, I also remember being amazed at how different the vending machines in the US were. This could also be that I was still young and the concept of vending machines was somewhat magical to me still.
One of the more interesting snacks I remember seeing was Andy Capp’s fries. These aren’t actual fries mind you; rather they are these potato and corn sticks that are made into the shape of fries. I don’t recall them being anywhere near the texture of them, and it’s really just the shape. I could also be way off, it’s been a good decade or two since I’ve had any of these. It’s just that the mascot is so iconic it’s etched into my mind.

The first thing that hits me is the really strong flavour of cheddar and onions. And by that I mean it’s quite salty. These would go great with a nice cold drink, that’s for certain. As salty as they are, I find myself unable to stop. The cheddar onion flavour itself is pretty standard when it comes to chips, so I don’t have much to say about it. As strong (salty) as the flavour is, I can’t seem to stop eating them. It’s like eating a fry shaped Pringles in the sense that part of it is kind of gross but you still can’t help but keep going.
The texture of these is really hard to describe – they aren’t super crispy like a fried snack, but they do remind me a bit of popped chips. They have an airy texture to them, but have a sort of corn chip chew. Perhaps because of the cornmeal, it reminds me a bit of a Cheeto as I chew through these. It’s like some weird combination of a popped chip and a Cheeto somehow combined into one thing. I told you it’s weird to describe.

If there’s one thing I would say, these could do with a little less seasoning. If they were just a bit less on the sodium these could be a much less guilty pleasure snack. As it is, I feel like I’m getting more than my daily intake from just this small bag. Maybe it’s just this flavour, but I feel like if they weren’t as salty I might consider getting them again.