Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP – Salted Maple Flavoured Kettle Corn
Kettle corn and maple. It makes so much sense when you step back to think about it. It’s one of those flavour combinations that people don’t dwell too much on but someone points it out and it seems so obvious that no one can unsee or unhear it. I guess the reason I never considered it before this is because it seems a bit redundant. Maple syrup is pretty sweet on it’s own, and kettle corn is essentially throwing sugar on top of popcorn.
That being said, I’m hopeful for these. Kettle corn is a tough thing to mess up, and it’s usually more a matter of how tasty it is when compared to other brands or makers. I’ve yet to have a bad kettle experience, just ones that aren’t as memorable.

This stuff is addictive. It’s like if you combined kettle corn and corn pops. The maple flavour is strong, but in a good way. Assuming you like maple syrup. The salt is a key to kettle corn, and adds a bit of saltiness to an otherwise sweet snack. The best way I can think of to describe this is kettle corn perfected. It has the same sweetness and saltiness you get from typical kettle corn, but it adds an additional complexity from the maple syrup, a distinct, almost smoky sweetness that really brings me back to my childhood. These are like breakfast cereal, but maybe slightly healthier and don’t require milk.

The texture is very light and fluffy. Some of the pieces have an ever so slight glaze on them from the melted sugar as you sometimes get with kettle corn, and it gives it just the teeniest of a crunchy shell which I enjoy. I hate to bring it up again, but I’m reminded of breakfast cereal from my childhood. Except these aren’t as crunchy and are fluffier. It also means I can end up consuming way more of these before I feel sick, compared to actual breakfast cereal like corn pops.
The combination of the sweet with slightly salty makes kettle corn an addictive snack to begin with. You add in a bit of maple flavour and you have a winner when done properly. This is definitely a case of it done right. I managed to plow through the entire bag in one sitting, much to my waist’s chagrin. I think I’ll have to lay low and avoid these for the sake of my belly.