I realize I haven’t gotten around to reviewing any savoury snacks, and all the reviews thus far have been sweets. That changes today with this snack that I’ve seen but never tried. Avocadooza is just one of the many varieties of flavours that is released under the Cheeza banner, which is a line of cheese crackers released by Glico. I have confidence in this product because of the long pedigree Glico has. They are the company behind the Pocky and Pretz line, so I’m not worried about their ability to make a tasty cheese cracker. As a child, I would inhale salad Pretz like nobodies business. Whenever my parents had to take me with them grocery shopping, the first thing I would always do is dash towards the snack aisle and grab a pack of salad Pretz. After the released the Tomato flavour, I would default to that one more often, but salad Pretz was always my fallback. The one that was always there for me. My bedrock. Pretz is one of the snacks I have still not outgrown. They got me hooked for life. I’m hoping that’s not the case with these crackers…
I picked up this particular variety because I wanted to know a) how these crackers would taste, and 2) how an avocado cheese cracker would taste like. I’m sure I’ve had the combination in a sandwich or something, but it’s not something I’ve ever intentionally tried so I’m curious how these crackers will deliver. I’d be lying if I said the presentation didn’t get me. I’m a sucker for weird looking stuff, and green crackers is definitely something out of the ordinary for me.
So right off the bat we know this is an avocado flavoured cracker. Sadly I can’t read the descriptions or information on the package, so I don’t know too much about what’s going on. I’m going into this blind, and have no idea what I’m in for. It seems like this is intended as a bar snack though, seeing as the picture on the back shows a mug of beer beside some crackers. It all comes in a nice 40g resealable pouch, in case you can’t finish it all at once (that’s never been a problem for me though). Enough about the outside, let’s see what’s inside.

I had an expectation of what the crackers would look like. What threw me off is how thin these are. Based on the enlarged pictures on the packaging, I was expecting something slightly thicker? That’s fine though, size isn’t everything. Maybe. These definitely smell familiar. It has that distinct Pretz stick smell to it. The cracker itself has the strongest smell, and I don’t get much of an avocado or cheese smell. Actually, now that I think about it, do avocados really have a smell? I mean I know they have a smell, but is it distinct or strong enough that you could pin it down right away? It’s always kind of just smelled like any other mild smelling vegetable or fruit. Or maybe it’s just me.

These pieces aren’t entirely green. You can kind of see an brownish tint through the cracker, which I imagine is from baking the crackers? I’m actually not sure if these are fried or baked. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s likely baked based on the texture. The most noticeable thing about these was the unmistakable kick of wasabi at the beginning. I thought I got the wrong flavour at first, but I tried a few and there is definitely a hint of wasabi in it to give a bit of kick. I’m not complaining though, it’s a welcome addition. Once that initial blast of wasabi passes, I’m greeted with the dinstinct avocado flavour, with a bit of a slight cheesy aftertaste. The cheese isn’t particular strong or pungent, and it’s largely the avocado flavour taking the wheel here. The cheese is just kind of a backseat passenger tagging along. The snack is a bit on the saltier side than what I was expecting, which makes sense since it’s advertising itself as a great accompaniment to a beer.

The texture of these is not like a typical cracker I was anticipating. It may be due to the size of the crackers, but these aren’t fluffy or crumbly at all. They are actually quite densely packed together, giving it a nice crisp, crunch to it. When you bite into it you know it’s not the crumbly type of cracker that will leave crumbs all over. The texture reminded me a bit of a Pretz, if it was flattened to the point that there was no air in the cracker when it was being baked. It’s kind of hard to compare these to another cracker snack, since the texture is not quite like any snack we have here in the North. It’s almost more like a dense, flattened pretzel than a cracker. This is perfect for me though, since I love dense, firm snacks over soft, fluffy airy ones. I like my crackers like my ice cream, dense, thick and no added air.

While the package is pretty small, and the pieces themselves are bite sized at best, the overall experience was quite positive. The only thing stopped me from stocking up on these and binging them is the price. Where I’m at, these cost at least $4 CAD for a 40g pouch. That adds up very quickly, especially considering how fast I inhaled this pack. That being said, I would consider this once in a while, or on special occasions. Or when a new flavour comes out. As a wise duo once said “Treat. Yo. Self.”