Bad Monkey – Dill Pickle Popcorn
After my previous run in with Bad Monkey, I was hopeful to try another flavour. Dill pickle is one of those flavours that pops to the front of the line when I think of tastes that go well as popcorn seasoning. It also makes me wonder what about popcorn makes it so addictive and why i can’t stop eating it in large quantities. I mean yes, it’s relatively low in calories because it’s so fluffy that it makes you feel like you’re eating a lot when you really aren’t. But there’s something magical about the snack. Kind of makes me wonder how it was discovered. Did some poor sap leave dried corn on a stove and it started popping and he caught one in his mouth? All I do know is that it’s something that humans have been doing far before we discovered other things, so I’m curious what the story behind it is.
Bad Monkey left a good taste in my mouth with the nacho cheese flavour so I figured why not give this a try too. I’ll be honest and tell you that before trying their popcorn, the packaging kind of reminded me of lower quality, cheaper dollar store type popcorn. Thankfully that’s not actually the case and this stuff is primo. Let’s see what this bag has in store for me.
Have I ever mentioned that I don’t like vinegar very much? I can talk ad nauseam (much like how i feel around vinegar) about why the smell and taste bother me so, but I still do see the value of it, and can handle it in small or unnoticeable quantities. These things though, they are packed to the brim with that vinegar quality.

These things are loaded with dill pickle flavour. It’s almost overpowering. The first thing I think of is all the other dill pickle flavoured things like chips, but then I remember specifically dill pickle popcorn from a place called Kernels. It had that same salty, tangy, strong vinegar flavour that people generally love about dill pickle flavouring. It’s the level of strong where if you were to stick your nose close to it and inhale, your sinuses clear up a little. It’s a bit more intense than I would prefer, but that hasn’t stopped me from enjoying these handful after handful.
The popcorn has an addictive texture. Well, more addictive than the usual, with it’s fluffy rounded shape that has the perfect mouth feel, with minimal kernel shells to lodge themselves in your throat, between your teeth and whatever ungodly place it can find. As light and fluffy as these are, I can’t help but wonder how their process is different from other makers to reduce the rogue kernels. Maybe it really is just as simple as using a different breed of corn. Not something I tend to think a whole lot about though, as I’m scoffing down another handful of the fluffy white substance.
While I don’t like vinegar much, I do like me some dill pickle. Even though these lean a bit harder on the intense flavour, I can still enjoy these, though likely in smaller quantities in a sitting. Which all things being said, is probably a good thing, no?