Black Thunder – Bitter
I’ve reviewed a few different Black Thunder chocolate bars at this point, and I think it’s safe to say it’s a brand I have fond experiences of so far. Just like any other confectionery brand, they are constantly releasing new flavours and limited variations, to the point that I can’t keep up. Today’s flavour is relatively new to the line up, but appears to be a staple flavour, and is essentially a dark chocolate variety of the main bar.
When it comes to chocolate, I am generally very open minded. That being said, I am still only human and cannot be entirely objective, as much as my robotic voice may lead people to believe. I tend to favour dark chocolate over varieties. I feel like the sweet spot is around 75% to 80%, where it’s dark, but not so dark that it leaves a chalky texture in your mouth. Have you ever had 95% dark chocolate? That stuff is not meant for snacking on. But I digress. This bar is supposed to be 60% dark chocolate mixed with their regular chocolate for an easy snack for people who like a slight bitterness. This sounds right up my alley.
The first thing I notice when opening the package, apart from travel damage, is how dark the bar is. It has that great dark chocolate aroma to it, and smells almost like alcohol. The “premium” flavour I tried previously actually did have alcohol infused in it, but this one seems to have a much stronger smell. If you swapped them on me, I would of said this is the one with alcohol in it.

There’s not much to say here, other than it’s a dark chocolate version of the Black Thunder bar. It has the same crisped rice and cookie bits on the inside, but the chocolate is a bit more bitter and of a darker nature (which I am down for). It’s less sweet than the milk chocolate varieties, and also tastes like it has some alcohol infused in it. Again, if you swapped this for the premium version, I would have expected this one to be the more expensive one.

This is could definitely cut it as a main stay or go to bar when I feel like a Black Thunder bar. I would choose this one over the milk chocolate one 9 out of 10 times, and that’s largely due to my preference for dark chocolate. It’s not bitter enough to make it hard to snack on, but it’s also not too sweet. I would absolutely do this again. If only I could find it as readily available as some other chocolate bars I see everywhere…