Black Thunder – Caramel
When I think about caramel in the context of chocolates or candy bars, two options come to mind – the thick, gooey syrup form of caramel that sticks to everything and anything, or the hardened bits that are not dissimilar to toffee. I can’t say I have a clear preference of one over the other, and it will largely depend on what format we’re working. In some cases if they get real crazy they use both, but the times where that works out is slim because of how sweet caramel naturally is. I mean, it’s basically just sugar and cream, so you can imagine it’s usage can be limited.
My pouch of seven mini pieces smelled a lot like corn pops that I had as a kid. Not sure if that tells you more about how unhealthy western breakfast cereals are, or if there’s corn in these somehow. They have a bit of a maple syrup smell to them as well. You know how a lot of times your brain assumes how something will taste based on how it smells? This is definitely giving off strong sugar and corn vibes.

I’m not sure if it’s due to damage during transit or it’s supposed to be like this, but the caramel isn’t sticky or gooey or anything like that. If anything, it’s more like a toffee and there’s some small crunchy bits inside. I also feel like I bit into something that was a nut of some sort, but that could just be the biscuit pieces combining with the caramel to deliver that texture. Upon further inspection, I am still certain there’s some sliver of almonds in here. The almonds are small enough they don’t detract, and add a slight crunch to it. Caramel and almonds just work together so well I don’t feel at all misled. If anything the almonds are big plus to what would otherwise just be a crunchy caramel chocolate.

The flavour is the usual Black Thunder, but the addition of the caramel gives it a bit of a maple syrup quality to it, where it is indeed sweeter, not but necessarily in a bad way. It really does remind me of corn pops, and again I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, but it has a familiar flavour to it that is somehow both comforting, nostalgic and concerning at the same time. What a time to be alive.
If you come across this, my vote would be to go try it out. It’s got all the good elements of Black Thunder but with the addition of what I can only describe as a corn pops quality to it. If that sounds promising to you, well then go see if you can find them. If not, grab it if you somehow pass by these on chance.