Black Thunder – Coffee
I never miss a chance to jump on a flavour of Black Thunder I haven’t already tried. Such a simple concept in such a small bar, and yet they’ve managed to capture my heart. And my wallet. Though in their defense they’re fairly inexpensive, tasty snack.
I believe this is what is known as a mixed bag. I love Black Thunder, but I’m very iffy on most things coffee related. I just don’t get it. Well, I understand why people drink it, for the caffeine and what not. But the taste is just terrible to me. I see all those fancy drinks with so much sugar, milk, flavour shots and random stuff added that I wouldn’t really consider it coffee anymore. But hey, what do I know. I just drink milk and water.
You know how when you try something coffee flavoured or containing coffee it has a distinct coffee bean smell? I’m actually fairly surprised that there’s not discernible coffee smell in this. I smell mostly dark, semi-sweet chocolate, but the coffee smell isn’t really there. If you took the wrapper away, I’d assume this is just a dark chocolate candy bar.

The cross section of this bar doesn’t betray it’s coffee nature either. I mean, it looks more solid than the typical bar, as there doesn’t seem to be as many cookie crumb pieces, and seems to be more chocolate. It seems to be a bit heftier in appearance than the regular bar as well.

The texture on this is a little different from the regular bar. While the regular bar is more like a cookie bar covered in chocolate, this one is more like a chocolate bar with cookie pieces inside. The end result is the texture is more like eating a slight darker chocolate bar with some cookie crumbs sprinkled throughout, rather than a chocolate covered cookie bar. This bar also ends up coming across as a bit less dry, and more moist, but also not being hard to chew either. It’s actually quite nice.
The flavour is mostly of dark chocolate. The coffee flavour is more of a backseat driver, only occasionally chiming in to correct you when you’re about to take the wrong highway exit. It’s not in your face, or obnoxious, and that’s how I like my coffee flavours. It’s kind of like a less sweet version of a Coffee Crisp, if you’ve ever had one of those. Without the wafers of course. And with cookie pieces.
As much as my disdain for coffee flavoured things is strong, I have to admit this bar was actually quite enjoyable. Unlike a lot of coffee flavoured things, this one isn’t hitting me upside the head with its coffee flavour, and is more like a nice semi-sweet chocolate bar with some coffee as an aftertaste. I would actually consider getting this again.