Black Thunder – Corn Soup
I never thought I’d see the day that I would be doing yet another Black Thunder corn based review. When I first got into Black Thunder, I figured there would be a lot of different types of flavour, but I never thought corn would be quite as prominent as I’m realizing it is. I can only imagine there is a huge intersection of people in Japan who enjoy the novelty of the corn flavour that they keep trying to release it in different shapes and forms. Not that I mind. I love corn snacks in general, and corn isn’t the weirdest thing to pair with chocolate.
Corn soup on the other hand, is a bit of a stretch in my mind. Yet, it’s interesting enough that it’s got me curious about how this will all go down. Today’s spin on corn, which I apparently can’t get enough of, is corn potage soup. It’s basically a very rich, creamy soup with lots of butter and corn. It’s as tasty as it sounds.

Smells very sweet like, like a sweet corn and chocolate bar had a kid. It smell so sweet that, it almost has a caramel aroma to it. Think cream of corn, but with a little bit of chocolate added in. Actually maybe don’t think about that cause it sounds kind of gross.
It tastes very similar to the original corn flavour I got – it’s got a distinct corn puff kind of taste with a similar sweetness. Really, the only thing that sets this apart from the other bar is that it has a distinct, savoury corn soup aftertaste. After the initial chocolate flavour begins to fade, the soup part of the flavour kicks in, and you can taste a savoury, almost buttery flavour to finish things off. I actually like the savoury after taste that chases the sweet. It really does remind me of the actual creamy, corny soup.

The texture is basically just corn puffs covered in chocolate. The puffs themselves are very tiny, and it has a very light, almost airy feel to it when you bite in. It’s so light and puffy in fact, that it doesn’t feel substantial at all after you eat it. I feel like I could eat 4 or 5 of these bars in a sitting before I feel sated or get sick from all the chocolate. Actually if I’m being honest, I feel like I could do without the chocolate in general. Just give me a bar of these corn puffs held together by a light sugar or syrup. As I type that out I realize I’m basically just describing a corn version of rice krispies. Though to be fair, if it works…it works.
Given that these are roughly the same price as the other corn version, I’d say go for whichever you prefer – the straight forward sweet corn flavour, or the sweet corn flavour that has a savoury cream soup after taste to it. Both are good and I’m pretty close to indifferent on which is better. Corn is a helluva food.