Black Thunder – Fermented Butter
Fermented butter is one of those things where I really know next to nothing about but it sounds like a fancier version of a kitchen table staple. What does the fermentation do? How does it do it? All these questions make me curious, but not enough to research it. Based on my experience with other food products that are fermented, I imagine it enhances the natural flavour of the butter or does something to the texture to make it superior. Otherwise, why waste the time to ferment it, right?
These bars be tiny – like real small. If the normal bars are considered standard size, these are like…40% the size of those. If you have an adult sized mouth, these would fit in one bite. Now that I think about it, these are roughly the size of an ever so chonky Hi-Chew. In typical Black Thunder fashion, the bar visually looks like a chocolate covered granola bar. It’s all jagged and rough on the outside but you know it’s even crazier and wild on the inside.

This flavour is supposedly using butter made from Hokkaido milk, and dashed with a hint of salt. As far as flavour goes, these remind me a lot of a high quality shortbread or butter cookie. It has that buttery, cookie like quality to it. Usually when something has a rich flavour like this, you just know they jammed it full of butter. Or butter flavouring. Either way it’s got a lot of it and has an almost sating feeling after eating it.

The texture is also very crumbling and buttery, again much like a shortbread. If you told me this was a chocolate covered shortbread, I would believe you. I don’t typically like shortbread, but this is in small enough quantity and has a good ratio of chocolate to help balance it out that I still enjoy it. While I’ve been pretty clear on not being a fan of shortbread, I can still appreciate when a brand pulls it off, and this is a definite win for people who like shortbread, which I imagine is most people.
Would I do it again though? No, but largely because I’m not big on shortbread cookies. If you are part of the majority that does however, these are an easy recommendation.