Black Thunder – Strawberry

Black Thunder is one of the brands that I think to myself, if I was in Japan, I would be eating way too much of these products. Even when I was in Japan, I stocked up pretty wildly on anything Black Thunder related. Chocolate, ice cream, whatever I could get my grubby, disgusting hands on. And I regret nothing.

Black Thunder usually has a uniform coating of chocolate on the outside. This one has a clear distinct top and bottom situation going on. Kind of reminds me of other chocolate strawberry candies I had as a kid where the strawberry and chocolate layers were separate. The smell is also not too far off.

Does that not remind you a granola bar?

Speaking of smell, the appearance and aroma remind me of those strawberry chocolate granola bars that I also haven’t had since childhood. The flavour also reminds me of a Pocky or Toppo – the chocolate has a strong strawberry flavour and they added in little pieces of freeze dried strawberry to give a bit of tartness and a more authentic strawberry flavour. Overall, I’d say in a package like this, I kind of prefer the slightly artificial strawberry flavour. If I’m going to eat something unhealthy and junky, I’d rather go all out and eat it less, than to opt for something slightly healthier but eat it more often. Quality over quantity people.

The texture is reminiscent of every other bar that Black Thunder has – it’s like a cookie based bar that has a clean finish and doesn’t leave behind much in the way of debris like a granola bar does. Because it’s cookie based though, it very temporary leaves behind a bit of grit, which dissolves away just as quickly. All in all it has a clean crisp crunch that is slightly satisfying, but more than likely not substantial enough. It does a very good job of being great in the moment, but making the moment fleeting enough that you want more. And boy do I ever.

Crumbs, crumbs everywhere.

The best and worst part of these standard sized Black Thunder bars, which I deem as mini because I’m from North America, is that they are cheap and inexpensive, but tasty enough that you want more. It’s great for when you want to get a nice quick snack, but if you’re anything like me, getting a small taste only makes you want it more, and therein lies the problem. Especially for a bar like this, the strawberry tartness shakes things up from just being straight up chocolate and that’s what makes these all the more addictive. I definitely want some more. Like now.

114 calories is quite a bit for this seemingly tiny bar.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.