Bourbon – Hi-Chocolate Truffe Strawberry
Bourbon as a brand is interesting to me – they do packaged baked goods, chocolates, candies and a whole bunch of random things. I haven’t tried their packaged baked goods, but most of the chocolates I’ve had have been serviceable. The best thing I’ve had from them, or at least the most memorable is their line of truffle mochi. Their packaged mochi are surprisingly good, but you add a nice chocolate ganache to the center of it and you have a winning combo that is executed well. It that’s positive experience that leads me to believe that this product will be good as well, since you are in theory just replacing the mochi skin with a chocolate shell. How bad could it possibly be?
So these round morsels come in 12 individually wrapped pieces, and consider them pretty decently sized for a truffle or truffle adjacent chocolate. For whatever reason, they make me think that if I try to put one in my mouth it will be big enough to cause my cheeks to chipmunk, much like when I try to eat other similarly sized truffles or a jawbreaker. I guess in that way, these are fairly standard sized.

The texture is firm on the outside, but gives away very quickly and easily. I’d say it’s essentially the same size as their mochi truffles. The outer chocolate shell is somewhat generic, and biting into it reveals two halves that were very obviously produced and than sealed together. The filling on the inside is not quite ganache texture, and more like a softer chocolate. It’s like a softer chocolate with strawberry flavour infused. The texture itself is honestly a bit of a let down, but also what I would expect from a relatively inexpensive, mass market chocolate product like this.

The flavour is standard milk chocolate on the outside, and the filling is also standard milk chocolate but with a strawberry flavour added.Somehow, it manages to smell quite strawberry-like, while also tasting quite muted and borderline bland. Ignoring the strawberry component for a moment, the chocolate flavour on it’s own is nothing special and reminds me of those cheaper chocolates they give to kids when they expect them to not know any better.

I am sad to say this was overall a bit of a letdown, but I take solace in knowing they can do good chocolate when they put their mind and wallets into it. This unfortunately ain’t it, so I would probably pass on trying this again.