Bourbon – Konayuki Chocolate
Bourbon is a big brand that’s been around for a long time. They have had some hits and some misses, but I know them mostly for their chocolate ganache filled mochi. Just thinking about those makes my mouth water…I figured if the filling is half of the success of those, maybe this product will be a relatively safe choice.
Konayuki is supposed to translate to powdered snow or something along those lines, so I instantly think of those cocoa dusted truffles. I also think about those times where I accidentally inhale as I put one of those things in my mouth and end up choking on cocoa dust. Good times. These are supposedly a nice chocolate ganache, and being that it’s just a block of it, it can’t be too different from the mochi except without the chewy skin. I’m perfectly fine with that arrangement.
Similar to the mochi chocolates that Bourbon is known for, these come in two sealed packs of four for a total of eight pieces. It also comes with a handy dandy wooden stick for eating them. Given these are dusted with lots of cocoa, probably better not to touch them with your hands.

The texture of these is indeed quite soft, and very melty. It’s very similar to a classic truffle, except these are more of a ganache texture all the way through. Biting into one is like biting into ganache, it’s very soft, has no bounce to it and is very rich and creamy. It’s one of those chocolates you want to appreciate by just letting it sit and melt away in your mouth.

The flavour is fairly straight forward cocoa, and has a nice deep rich flavour to it. It’s not quite dark territory, but also not overly sweet which I appreciate. It’s got a distinct flavour without being too sweet, and has a rich enough flavour and texture that leaves you feeling sated after a few pieces.

The only real difference between this and the mochi chocolates that Bourbon releases is that this is just a different shape, and lacking the chewy mochi skin. The chocolate is essentially the same, and for a prepackaged product, is fairly decent quality all things considered.For that reason, I can see myself trying the other flavours that they have, since they do it pretty well and I am always up for a nice rich chocolate ganache.