Tirol Chocolate – Milk Nougat
This is the OG – the original, the one that started it all. Back before what I assume was their big rebrand in the 1990s, this chocolate apparently had it’s beginnings in 1962. The branding…
Something something random
This is the OG – the original, the one that started it all. Back before what I assume was their big rebrand in the 1990s, this chocolate apparently had it’s beginnings in 1962. The branding…
Every time I think I miss a Tirol flavour, about half the time it comes back the year after so I’m not too sad when I miss a release. Apple pie is one of those…
Lindt Excellence is probably the product line I get most often, on the few occasions I do get Lindt. I feel like I’ve sort of outgrown my love for their truffles which they are likely…
In another review I tried the dark chocolate variety of this very brand and snack, and tended to enjoy it so I figured why not try milk chocolate. Milk chocolate may appeal to more people,…
Snappers has been tested enough times that I can safely put it in the bucket of chocolate snacks that is not a risky try. They’ve proven they can crank out a decent product from what…
Ragusa is one of those brands I see around but I’ve never really gotten around to trying. I couldn’t tell you exactly why, but maybe it was one of those situations where shelves are stocked…
When I think about caramel in the context of chocolates or candy bars, two options come to mind – the thick, gooey syrup form of caramel that sticks to everything and anything, or the hardened…
It’s not often I find Tirol chocolates in my neck of the woods, much less a big bag of them that isn’t the usual suspects. This one has my quite excited, mostly because it has…
At this point I feel like I’ve pretty much worked my way through most of the main roster of Ritter Sport bars available in the Frigid North, and then some. Today is one of those…
Bourbon has been host to many a delicious mochi chocolate flavours, and I’ve reviewed many of them as well. For the most part they tended to be flavours that mesh well with chocolate, be they…