Haribo – Fruit Salad
When I hear the combination of words “fruit salad” in that order, I tend to think of the ever so common style of mayo based salads where fruits are diced and thrown into a bowl…
Something something random
When I hear the combination of words “fruit salad” in that order, I tend to think of the ever so common style of mayo based salads where fruits are diced and thrown into a bowl…
I’m fairly certain this is nothing new, and is just another rebrand of a soda flavour they keep bringing back, but I have fond memories of them from childhood, so I’ll allow it. I guess…
I’m not sure why they decided to put this in a short stick format, with only 7 pieces instead of the usual 12 or so. If I were to guess, it may be a combination…
As usual, I feel the need to clarify that I do not enjoy citrus flavours, and while I can admire that Hi-Chew does it quite well, I don’t particularly care for it. What I do…
I wonder at which point the strawberry fatigue will kick in. It’s no shock that strawberry is a popular flavour for Hi-Chew. What sells makes money, and what makes money is what they will sell.…
Ah yes, Mintia. It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve paid Mintia a visit. It’s not due to lack of trying or not liking it, it just seems I haven’t been able to…
While I wouldn’t say I’m totally tapped out on Hi-Chew, I will say I’ve been following them closely enough that I wonder at what point I’ll come full circle and simply run out of items…
I remember watching the Smurfs cartoon as a kid, but beyond the hazy memory of seeing them on the good old fashioned CRT boob tube, I don’t recall much about the show. I feel like…
Mintia is a pretty big deal in Japan, and it’s one of my favourite “mint” brands. I put mint in quotations because the exact definition of a mint will vary depending on who you ask.…
This is an interesting mix, to put it mildly. Perhaps it’s because I’m old now, but this mix isn’t particularly my jam. Soda flavoured snacks seem a bit excessive to me, given that most sodas…