Cookie It Up – White Chocolate Cranberry Shorts
I couldn’t tell you why, but I’ve never really enjoyed butter cookies. In our household Walker’s was the poison of choice when it came to those buttery, fat inducing shortbread. They smelled good, and on occasion they tasted good too. But for whatever reason, maybe I got sick of them along the way and I rarely touch shortbread or butter cookies anymore. I’m the kind of person who will get really into something, eat it passionately and fervently for a short period of six to nine months, and then burn out, only to never want to touch it again. The next thing you know, it’s over two decades later, and I’m ranting over the internet about cookies. So here we are.
I’m a bit of a closet hipster when it comes to food, I’ve been told. I guess trying these cookies is kind of proof of that. I’m always a fan of buying from Canadian companies, especially since we don’t have a whole lot of them. It’s always a bonus if the product is good, which based on what I’ve seen online, these are. These are pricey cookies, make no mistake, but I’m all about quality over quantity these days. Especially with these. I try not to emphasize quantity too much when it comes to food that has butter as the top or second ingredient. Oh my.
Opening the resealable pouch (always a fan of reseal-ability), I’m greeted with the effervescent smell of butter. Oh boy do these smell nice. I mostly smell butter, and a hint of sweetness which I assume is the white chocolate. No hint of cranberry. In fact, looking at them, you might mistake them for walnuts or some other form of nut.

These aren’t soft cookies, but they still melt in your mouth. I guess that’s probably because these are pretty high quality butter cookies that are mostly…well….butter. Even as someone who isn’t a huge fan of butter cookies, I have to say these are quite good. The cranberries are what you’d expect – they seem fairly fresh though, so it’s on the softer side and not overly chewy. Definitely not chewy enough to get stuck between your teeth, which I always appreciate. The white chocolate chips are actually quite crunchy, and not what I was expecting. I was sort of expecting a soft, crumbly chocolate, but these seem to have been baked to the point that they are crunchy and brittle. At first I thought they were nuts that were coated in chocolate. They add a nice crunch to an otherwise soft and slightly chewy cookie. The whole thing comes together really well.

While texture is pretty important for cookies, flavour is just as important. The cookie itself is very buttery, and as mentioned this is probably owing to the fact that the top ingredient is butter. But that’s not always a bad thing, as these bad boys have a very rich, smooth taste of butter that satisfies. The dried cranberries are fairly fresh tasting, and add a nice tart contrast to the rest of the cookie to even things out. On the flip side is the white chocolate which is pretty standard affair among white chocolates. It isn’t overly sweet, and taste like a pretty good quality white chocolate that vibes quite well off the dried cranberries. All of it together makes for a winning combination, and an addictive cookie.

They are just the right size, not too big and not too small. For better and worse, these things are packed with butter. They will definitely leave you satisfied afterward, on account of how much fat is in butter, which is good because you don’t want to eat too many. I would definitely recommend these to anyone who likes cookies, but especially to those who enjoy butter cookies. Even as someone who generally doesn’t like butter cookies, these get two big thumbs up from me. It’s a tall order to re-ignite my enjoyment of something I’ve burnt out on, but these have managed to do it. If you can, go and get yourself some of these.