Country Ma’am – Vanilla & Cocoa Chocolate

Cookies and cream is not something new. What is new is cookie chocolate. Well, new in the sense that I haven’t seen a whole lot of it, but I’m sure it’s existed in some form or fashion, just perhaps not in this exact format. Actually I guess it’s sort of the same thing. I’m trying really hard to rationalize why I thought this was a novelty item, and not something that’s been part of the zeitgeist for years.

No idea what it says but it’s cute I guess?

Country Ma’am is a brand by Fujiya that specializes in cookies. This is a special release that tries to capture their flavours in a chocolate form, which isn’t that much of a stretch since Fujiya has been in the chocolate business for quite some time. This little carton has 12 chocolates split among vanilla and cocoa, each of which has bits of cookie bits in them. Thinking about it on a deeper level, I can’t really see how this is that different from cookies and cream other than the flavour of both the cookie bits and the chocolate itself.

Similar to DARS, this comes in a nice foil packaging that houses a cardboard tray with 12 individual pieces. It smells like cookie dough…sort of. Realistically it reminds me more of play doh. Not something I find that strange though, since it seems common with sweet potato or yam flavoured chocolates.

They look like frozen cookie dough.

The chocolate while nothing particularly special, does a decent job and actually does remind me of a cookie. The vanilla piece is like a typical chocolate chip cookie in flavour. I’ll leave that to you if that’s a good or bad thing. I personally find the classic chocolate chip cookie to be a bit vanilla, or plain. But I guess I’m easily seduced by flashy and exciting new flavours.

Reminds me of milk tea actually.

The cocoa piece tastes very similar, but a bit more chocolatey, like a double chocolate cookie. I’ve never been a huge fan of that mostly because I feel it’s too much chocolate and gets a bit monotonous after a while. I guess it’s a less of an issue here because the chocolate is so small.

Not getting cookie vibes from this, visually speaking.

Between the two flavours, I’d have to say that the chocolate chip flavour edges out the chocolate one just slightly. Neither really grabbed my attention, but it was good enough that I enjoyed however briefly the time I had these for.

The two pieces are essentially the same in texture – it’s a solid chocolate throughout that houses a few round chocolate cookie bits. The cookie bits are fairly dense and not of the crumbly kind, so it isn’t quite as noticeable in the chocolate. The bits are more of a denser, chewy variety so you might have a few pieces without even realizing there are cookie bits in it.

I’ll give them points for an interesting idea, but nothing about this particularly wowed me or made me think, dang, I need to get it again. I would suggest trying this one for those who are super curious, but other than that this is a pass for me.

264 calories for the whole pack is not too bad.

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