Doritos – Bold BBQ
BBQ is a staple flavour for potato chips, I’m sure most of us can agree on that. Whether it’s a flavour that works well with corn chips is debatable. The long standing reputation of Frito BBQ corn chips would argue for, but I don’t know too many people personally who enjoy that experience. In my mind’s eye it makes perfect sense, what with corn on the cob being a staple side when it comes to actual BBQ.
Doritos is a company that knows how to cater to the masses, so I have no doubt they will be going with that standard, tried and true BBQ flavour. Full disclaimer, I feel like I’ve somewhat outgrown BBQ flavoured chips and the generic flavour in general. Unless it’s with chicken strips or nuggets. Some habits are harder to kick than others…

The flavour is similar to how I would describe the appearance of these chips, distinct and honestly a little intimidating. The smell also goes along with the flavour of these – it’s very strong, and I guess in that sense bold is correct. When I think of a typical BBQ sauce, I think of these – it’s got a very distinct BBQ flavour that you would know instantly if you’ve had the classic condiment at any point over here in the west. I don’t actually know how to describe BBQ sauce. It’s like a mish mash of ketchup, spices, garlic powder, chili powder, vinegar and the list goes on. What I can tell you is that once you put one of these in your mouth, that flavour is sticking to you. It leaves a bit of heat in your mouth, but not necessarily because it’s spicy. It’s kind of like when you crunch of a black peppercorn and it leaves that slight hot sensation in your mouth, but doesn’t necessarily feel spicy. The flavour itself is also very distinct and really hits hard, so unlike a lot of the other flavours, you can’t eat too many of these in a sitting without starting to feel it. Though I guess that’s what some people are into.

The texture is no different from any other Doritos chip. It really comes down to the flavour when comparing texture between flavours. I don’t know if the seasoning does anything to the texture, but what I will say is most of these chips seem to be completely covered in a thick read seasoning, which is part of why these are so strong in flavour.
I mean, they live up to the reputation of being bold, that’s for sure. Whether that’s something I like is a whole other matter. Maybe I’ve gotten old, but I like flavours to be more mild and not quite as in my face, but I’m sure a younger me would be ok with these.