Today’s candy falls squarely in the category of “I’ve seen this one the shelf for years but it’s never drawn me to it”. It’s packaging reminds me of my childhood. That is, the packaging has minimally changed in all my years of existence, and that’s saying something. Basically every other candy bar brand has undergone multiple iterations to try and revitalize the brand or breathe new life into it. This on the other hand, looks like it’s straight out of the 70s or 80s. In a way, that’s admirable – to hold so strongly to your roots that you don’t feel the need to make changes or updates. That’s confidence in your brand.
So this is a bar that is a little different from some of the chocolate bars in that this is a combination of dark toffee, peanuts and chocolate, but in a way that reminds me of a granola or fruit bar of some sort. All the ingredients are basically chopped and mixed into a bar. Getting real protein bar vibes here.

The flavour is hard to put my finger on – it’s got a slight burnt sugar flavour from the dark toffee, and the chocolate is probably there to even out the flavour but on it’s own is not that noticeable. It’s sort of like a chocolate candy more than chocolate. Imagine a Tootsie Roll, if you will. The peanuts are chopped finely enough that you get the flavour from them quite distinctly.
The texture is probably what I imagine most people enjoy about this – it’s very chewy, somewhat soft, and yet not that sticky. The peanuts are chopped into very small pieces so there’s not much crunchy to them, but enough that you know it’s there. The whole experience is interesting because it not only looks like a protein bar but kind of reminds me of one in texture. It’s got a chewiness to it but it’s not super sticky or bouncy. It does feel like the combination can be a nice snack to help you feel sated and un-hungry.

While not really my speed, I can see why these have been around for so long. It’s definitely got a sating quality to it that makes you feel less hungry for a while. I tend to prefer something with more oomph, especially since this feels like something I could easily make at home without machinery or special equipment. Maybe I should try a different flavour next time, but as it is now, not something I would opt for voluntarily.