FRANK – BBQ Ripple Chips
Most people don’t go to their local Canadian Tire looking for chips and snacks. I’m not most people. So here I am with another FRANK chip review. To be frank (get it?!), I didn’t have much interest in this flavour, nor did it catch my eye. I kind of just picked it up because I haven’t tried it yet. I’m not sure what it is about most BBQ flavours here in the North, but they tend to be either too salty, too sweet or somewhere too far on the spectrum of those two. That said, I do feel an obligation to try every item at least once, for the sake of science. And so here we are…
As I’ve mentioned before, my favourite part about FRANK is the marketing and design on their packaging. They went full in on the dad jokes and cute but simple graphics, and I can appreciate that dedication. I almost want them to release an art book of some of the marketing on the package, just so I can purchase it and look at it when I’m feeling down or sad. The little doodles always cheer me up.
I’ve found the ripple chips to be fairly consistent for FRANK, they are usually nice and thick – sturdy but not tough, and great for dipping. The worst is when you get a chip that snaps or breaks apart when you try to grab some of that seven layer dip, am I right?

Texture wise, the chips are great. They have a nice firm crunch to them, and each piece feels like its nice and thick. The type you can use for dipping or scooping. Flavour wise, it’s the generic BBQ flavour. I can’t say I was expecting too much in that department, as basically every other American BBQ flavour is the same. This one in particular is a bit too salty, and having too many in one sitting will make you parched. I felt myself grabbing for a glass of water constantly, which is never a good sign. Unless you have rabies. In which case you are likely to be on the road to recovery. I think…maybe check with your doctor, huh?

If you like that typical, salty BBQ flavour, I’d say go for it. Otherwise, I’d recommend trying another flavour instead. The texture on these is still awesome, but I don’t think the saltiness of this flavour is for me. My biggest struggle is I have to eat these with a water in my hand, taking a sip or two after every one or two chips. That’s just too much work for someone like me, who likes to just scoff down a handful at a time. Yea, yea, I’m a glutton, what of it?!
Most of their snacks are usually a win for me, but this one I think I’ll have to pass on. I kind of wish they made the Korean BBQ flavour a staple as well, since that one is far more to my liking than this one. But as I always say, your mileage may vary, and it’s still worth a try. This bag cost me less than $2 CAD, so why not?