Hardbite – Sweet Ghost Pepper With Avocado Oil
Life presents us with many conflicting messages and responsibilities. That dichotomy makes us human, like having to work hard in order to fund the parts of our lives we want to enjoy. Or making ourselves miserable through intensive cardio just to have that last slice of cheesecake. To me, Hardbite and spicy flavours are a fairly low risk dichotomy, but dichotomy nonetheless.
I don’t smell much from this, but as I have been quite literally burned before, I am very wary of that assessment. I’m taking great care not to accidentally touch it with my hands or get any in my eye. I get an instant flashback to the time I was putting down chili flakes on our backyard walkway to try and deter raccoons. Woe was me when a big gust of wind blew up some of the peppers into my eye. The lesson I learned that day was peppers outdoors is not a great idea, but even less on a potentially windy day. But it is through that experience I have learned not to repeat my mistakes. Annnnnd here we go.

These remind me of jalapeno chips, but only because I don’t know how else to describe a spicy flavour. As you may remember, I am a bit of spice wimp, so spicy just tastes like burning to me usually. These have an underlying sweetness to them, and it helps make the flavour tasty instead of just heat or fire. I can’t tell if the sweetness comes from added ingredients or the pepper itself has a sweet flavour to it. The one time I had something with actual ghost pepper in it, I was rolled up in a ball on the floor, so forgive me if I don’t remember the flavour itself too well. These chips are spicy yes, but not enough to make me hate myself or regret my life decisions, so by my books they are solid. Spicy seekers may not see it the same way though.

The texture is what I come to expect, its a hard bite. Do you think that’s where they get the name from? I wonder…Anyways, these have a great texture and along with the flavour remind me of a spicier version of restaurant style kettle chips. I have said this many times before, but texture is what I love about these and what keeps me coming back. I truly dread the day when I have to rely on dentures, because it means I can no longer fully appreciate these chips. Oh, how I will rue that day when it comes.
So I am spice averse, but even I could see myself getting these again. Maybe not too often, but every once in a while when I’m feeling adventurous, I could totally see myself grabbing a bag of these bad boys.