Hershey’s Cookies N Mint
Hershey’s has always been the starter chocolate. As a poor kid with no real experience, money or car, it was the go to brand for anything chocolate related. For a time when I didn’t know any better, and I thought it was the best thing in the world. But somewhere down the line I met like minded people who opened me up to higher price, but higher quality chocolates and I never really looked back. I kind of wanted to keep the memory of Hershey’s sacred, and not reopen the memory and potentially damage what I once thought so fondly of. But of course, as the old idiom goes, curiosity killed the cat.
I’ve had a few run ins here and there with Hershey’s chocolate, but its usually covered up or covering something else like nuts, or some weird flavouring. I guess even they recognize that their chocolate on it’s own isn’t that great and is really just easily accessible. I figured I’d give this a try because their cookies and cream flavour has been around for a long time at this point, and people still love it. Whether you can actually call it true chocolate or not is up for debate, but it’s still popular for a reason.

I can’t quite place it, but the smell is kind of weird. I don’t know why. It honestly smells kind of…unappetizing. It smells like cookies and mint, but there’s another smell, which kind of reminds me of slightly off milk. My guess is it has to do with butyric acid that’s common in mass market chocolate to give it longer shelf life.
It tastes a lot like generic mint chocolate ice cream, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I don’t buy Hershey’s because I want the authentic taste of actual chocolate, it’s usually just an excuse to have some weird, fun or exciting flavour in the vague form and shape of chocolate. Any other reason I give you would just come across as disingenuous.

The texture is that of a generic, cheap white chocolate. If you’ve ever had a cookie and cream chocolate, this is pretty much it. The only difference is in the flavour – texture is basically what you’d expect. There isn’t much variation when it comes to cookies and cream, though, since it’s white chocolate with pieces of chocolate cookies in it. Again, not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you know what you’re getting into and have experienced cookies and cream chocolate.
I got this bar pretty cheap, so I don’t mind doing it again. I wouldn’t pay more than a dollar for this bar though, as much as I like chocolate mint as a flavour. Something about the smell of the bar kind of kills the mood for me, and I’d rather go with something a bit more quality. If not for the smell though, this wouldn’t be a bad bar when I’m hankering for some cheap, mint chocolate ice cream flavoured chocolate.