Kettle Brand – Korean Barbeque Potato Chips
Maybe people are getting bored of barbeque flavour in it’s current, western form. I mean why else would so many brands decide to make an entirely new, separate flavour to try and capture the Korean style of smoky cooked meats? Personally, when I think Korean barbeque I think of the strong smell of meat and sauce that clings to your clothes for days and hair, and refuses to leave. Sort of like a clingy cat that you try to throw out, only for them to cling to your arm and legs for dear life. As annoying as it is, it’s usually worth it if you go to a decent place. Just something about those sauces and cuts of meat that make my mouth water just thinking about it.
Sometimes you want a fraction of that flavour without the hassle or smell, I get it. That’s where these come in. While I can’t speak to how they smell, I can almost assure you they won’t leave a lingering smell on you the same way an actual cookout would.
The flavour has a lot more going on than the smell would lead you to believe. It smells the same as any old generic barbeque flavour, but the taste is something different. There’s a lot of things going on at once so I’ll try to isolate it as best I can. it starts off with a somewhat familiar barbeque flavour, but it has a complex, sweet, spicy and ever so smoky flavour finish to it. As the flavour sinks in, I am reminded of marinade that they use at many Korean restaurants when grilling the meet. The distinct sweet, savoury flavour is hard to miss.

They pretty much nailed the distinct notes that come I think of when I have Korean BBQ, so credit where credit is due. There is a bit of heat but it’s largely mild and works well in the overall flavour and enhances the experience. Big praise coming from a spice wimp like me.

Texture is as texture goes – basically what you would expect from a big kettle brand. It’s not too soft and not too hard. The goldilocks of kettle chip hardness, if you will. It’s no wonder these seem to have the biggest mass market appeal out of the other kettle style brands. I’m more of a Hardbite fan myself, but it’s hard to argue these hit the sweet spot for most.
The biggest benefit of these chips is that they don’t leave your hair and clothes smelling for days afterwards. Depending on your personal preference it could be an advantage or downside, but the flavour on these is strong so it makes it feel a bit heavier and harder to eat too many in a given sitting. All that to say, yes, I would do these again.