Kettle Brand – Krinkle Cut Truffle & Sea Salt Potato Chips
In my neck of the woods Kettle is a bit of a mainstay when it comes to Kettle style chips. While they aren’t what I consider to be the best, they are still quite solid and have enough variety of flavours that keep me coming back. in particular, they are one of the few brands that do a wavy cut kettle chip, and it’s probably one of my favourite styles that Kettle does.
Something about taking an already hard chip and turning it into a wavy cut makes them all the harder and crunchier. I’m sure there’s some science behind it involving surface area, but all I know is it’s tasty, and totally worth the risk of impaling myself on a loose chip. This particular flavour piqued my interest, not because I enjoy truffle flavours but more a curiosity on how they would execute the flavour. Sure truffle oil is a thing and logically it should be fairly easy to get that profile in, but how do you do that in just the right way? Sometimes adopting a flavour to a snack involves more than just slapping it onto a fried piece of potato.

These chips are hard, and will take a stab at the insides of your mouth if you aren’t careful. I love it. The crunch can be off putting to a lot of people, but I like the challenge. Something about it feels more rewarding. Some people like airy chips because it feels like they aren’t eating anything and it doesn’t leave them feeling too full or bloated, but I’m the opposite. I normally like to work my jaw muscles when I have a potato chip, and I kind of like feeling bloated and sated after eating my fair share.

The flavour is a noticeable truffle oil flavour – I don’t go out of my way to get truffle flavoured things because they are a bit hit or miss but these are a hit. If you like the distinct pungent flavour of the truffle, you’ll enjoy this. The sea salt component definitely helps to bring out and enhance to overall flavour experience. I will admit I was dubious at first on if this flavour would work out or it would become yet another novelty. I am happy to say it works quite well and I enjoy it thoroughly.
The whole experience was quite a positive one for me – the flavour is distinct and balanced enough to enhance the texture that I enjoy ever so much. I actually had a bit of trouble getting this flavour as it seemed to be sold out in a few places, so maybe I’m not the only one who is a fan of these. Whatever the case may be in your area, these are definitely worth a try.