Lotte – Caramel Liqueur Chocolate
I swear I’m not an alcoholic. I know it may seem that way given how many liqueur chocolates I’ve had but it’s purely for science. Yes, for knowledge purposes only. It’s not like I enjoy it (that much). I do this as a sacrifice, so you don’t have to. You’re very welcome.
Incidentally, it’s because I don’t enjoy alcohol or partake in it basically at all, that I can confidently say I am judging this on the merits of a chocolate on it’s own, with little to no consideration to the actual alcohol itself. A part of me wonders if that’s exactly what Lotte is hoping for, or if they are actually trying to target serious, avid consumers of high end spirits and alcohols. If so, it is greatly lost on me.

The label mentions Joseph Cartron 1882. All I know is this is a french spirit of some sort with 2.5% alcohol. Beyond that I am nothing but ignorant swine and just here for the chocolate. The most I can do is confirm the presence of some sort of alcohol, since I’m so very sensitive to it.
Similar to other flavours I’ve tried so far, the filling is very soft, borderline liquid consistency. The outer chocolate is more like a firm, brittle-ish shell that helps to house the liquid and keep everything intact before you bite into it. I’m not sure what other people look for when they get booze chocolates, but I feel like this is basically the ideal consistency of chocolate and filling. I would have preferred it to be a little less flowy and liquid like, and a little more put together, but I can see why some people like the experience of drinking their chocolate.

The flavour is first and foremost caramel, with a hint of that alcohol flavour you get from any spirit. The ever so slight burning sensation that taps your mouth and the shoulder to let it know it’s joined the party. I find it actually works quite well with the caramel to make it feel more complex and premium of a flavour, as opposed to just one note sweetness that is caramel.
I’d say if I’m in the mood for a boozy chocolate that’s no nonsense and none of the frills of fruity flavours or any such fancies, this would be the go to. It’s straight to the point, has a strong burning of alcohol and has a nice snappy chocolate shell to it. I could see myself getting a few of these and having a good ol’ time with some friends.