Meito – Alcoholic Assorted Chocolate

Chocolate and wine are an age old combination, but not one I’ve ever been crazy about. Sure I do a lot of reviews of those kinds of products, but it’s out of academic curiosity rather than enjoyment. This one is definitely something that piqued my curiosity. Three different chocolates in one pouch? Sign me up.

The packaging screams booze.

The three liquors here are wine, brandy and rum. Not any specific wine or vintage, just “wine”. No matter, I am curious and undeterred. There’s quite a few in this bag, and I count four of each flavour for a total of 12. Let’s start with the wine.

The outside looks like classic boozy chocolate.

The wine chocolate has a strong wine flavour, to the point where I can taste some of the alcohol and it’s enough to bother me slightly. There’s a strong flavour of what I assume is red wine, and it’s not cooked enough to be pure sweet. I guess it makes sense given the content is about 2.2% for this piece.

I’m not sure what wine this is…

The texture has a nice layer of the alcohol with some softer chocolate accompanying the filling. The chocolate shell has a nice snap to it, and while the liquid isn’t too watery, it’s still flowy enough to leave a mess if turn it the wrong way for too long.

Is anyone else reminded of a dumpling?

The brandy is the highest content at 3.2%, and the taste of the alcohol is definitely most present in this piece. It leaves a distinct after taste and a very, very mild burn that usually accompanies alcohol.

The ratio of chocolate seems a bit off.

I’m not a brandy drinker so I can’t say if this is spot on or not, but the texture is a bit more congealed, for lack of a better term. The liquid here is more jelly like than syrupy like the wine.

I can smell this through the chocolate.

Rum is only 1.8%, and is the alcohol which I am most familiar with. It’s definitely got all the notes of a rum, with a decent sweetness from the chocolate complimenting it pretty well. It’s tastes the sweetest of the three as well. Out of all the hard liquors, rum is probably my favourite, and this is no exception.

This one got a little messy.

The texture of all three is rather generic and unremarkable – they serve only as a shell to contain the liquidy contents of all the pieces. Each piece is a little different, but the end result is the same in terms of mouth feel. While I would have preferred something darker, it served it’s purpose.

While you won’t be getting wasted off these (hopefully), they do still carry enough of the flavour and essence of these alcohols that anyone who is a fan of liquor filled chocolates will enjoy these. For what it’s worth, I would probably keep these away from any kids under drinking age though.

A lot of calories to be had here.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.

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