Milka – MMMAX Strawberry Cheesecake
There are moments in a persons life where they ask themselves, is this too much? Is this a bit excessive? Have I gone too far? These are just some of the thoughts that crossed my mind as I laid my eyes on this absolute unit of a chocolate bar. And yet, that sickening morbid curiosity of mine would not let me walk away without buying this. It really is hard to impress upon you how big this bar is but I will try my best.
The first thing to mention is I don’t have too much experience with Milka, but what limited experience I do have, I am reminded of Cadbury. Given that the same brand owns both of those product lines, it wouldn’t surprise me that it’s basically the same formulation. Milka and Cadbury tend to err on the sweeter side which I’ve sort of grown out of. That being said, they do have tons of flavours and new “experiences” so sometimes something will catch my eye. Being the sucker for cheesecake that I am, this wasn’t a super hard sell.
The first thing I noticed about this is the sheer size of it. This bad boy is segmented to allow it to be broken into 36 separate pieces. This entire bar weighs in at 300g, while the normal bars are in the 100g range. What an absolute monster of a unit. Opening this up, I’m hit with a very strong, sweet cream cheese type smell.

The first thing to keep in mind about this is that it’s very sweet. If I were a younger man, or perhaps a kid I probably wouldn’t mind but this is getting closer to the border of too sweet. The sweetness is slightly cut by the tart and tangy dairy flavour of the yogurt filling that emulates the cheesecake. Above that is a layer of strawberry syrup, much like what you would find drizzled atop a strawberry cheesecake. Below the cheese layer is a biscuit layer which emulates the crust of a cheesecake. All of this is encapsulated in the standard milk chocolate. The sweetness is largely from the milk chocolate itself, and were that to be stripped away you would still have a sweet experience but not nearly so. That being said the flavour is very similar to what I expect from a strawberry cheesecake, and for that reason I really enjoy this.

The texture is fairly similar to standard milk chocolate with yogurt type fillings – it’s a bit melty but not too melty and the inner layer is somewhat soft and pliable. The cookie layer helps to make this feel more like a sandwich cookie or a fudge covered Oreo. The syrup can’t be forgotten though, and it makes the whole thing a little stickier but also less dry.

While I wouldn’t get this again if I was to eat this myself, I think this makes a great bar for sharing with a large group. I say large group because not only is this thing massive, it breaks into 36 separate pieces which to me is conducive to sharing. Because sharing is caring, and you’ll probably die before you finish off this entire bar on your own. Unless you’re a madlad like me. Don’t try that at home kids.