NoochPop – Kinda Garlic & Cheesy
NoochPop is what I would consider the healthier side of snacking. It has all these labels and things indicating that it’s healthier or a better way to snack. As I’ve always said, taste is ultimately the major driving factor behind whether I enjoy a snack. Thankfully prior experience has indicated that they are legit, and pass the taste test. It’s for that reason I decided I’d give some of their other flavours a go and this one seemed interesting to me.
Unlike the kinda cheesy flavour, this has the added benefit of lots of garlic powder. It’s not super noticeable at first, but the after taste and the aroma (or stench depending on how you feel) of garlic doesn’t hit until a bit later. The nutritional yeast is what provides a bit of the slightly cheesy flavour, but the garlic powder brings it together to really give it a more savoury, distinct and herb flavour to it. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s like a garlic bread flavour, but the cheesy and garlic flavour works quite well to the point I think it’s better than the flavour with just nutritional yeast on it’s own.

The one downside here is that this is straight up garlic powder, so it will leave behind a noticeable smell and that may or may not be a good thing depending on you. Truthfully I don’t see many social situations where you would want to smell like garlic, but to each their own.

As for as texture is concerned, I’ve reached the conclusion that unless the popcorn is really bad, or really good, it’s really all the same. Thankfully this falls squarely in the middle, so it’s neither bad nor good. It’s just tasty and has all the qualities you expect of a popcorn – fluffy, airy and the consistency of Styrofoam as you bite into it. It has everything you want and so I have no complaints on that front.
I will say that I enjoy this flavour more than the regular cheesy one. The addition of garlic really helps set this apart from the somewhat overdone cheese flavours. The only downside really, is the fact that it has so much garlic. So much in fact that you’ll probably not want to be having any important conversations for a few hours after eating these. No one will be able to take you seriously while trying to cover their noses.