Oh Henry! – Level Up
Oh Henry is on a very small list of snacks that the Frigid North gets that our salty northern friends in the US don’t. I can’t tell you why that is, thought I can only assume it relates to some legal or money reasons. It’s always one or the other. Whatever the case may be, we live with Oh Henry as a staple of generic, big brand candy bar. It’s honestly a solid entry when it comes to candy bars – caramel, chocolate and peanuts, what’s not to love?
This particular limited edition product is taking a slight variation to the classic formula. The fact that this has a promo with Twitch implies to me they are trying even harder to reach a specific audience. That makes me wonder if Oh Henry just isn’t popular among gamers, or if someone in marketing thought “hey, let’s pander to them even harder”.
The bar is separated into two clumps, each clump is a sizeable chunk of candy. The bar is not that different from a typical bar, just that this one has less peanuts and the trade off is a big pretzel in it. Oh and even if you combine the two into a single bar it would still be smaller than a standard bar. Shrinkflation is getting out of control…

The flavour is virtually identical, the texture is where this sets itself apart. You’ve got that sweet chocolate and caramel which overpowers any other flavour there might be. The peanuts obviously have a distinct flavour but it’s generally bland and non-existent in comparison. I guess the saltiness of the pretzel comes through ever so slightly, which is a good compliment to the chocolate and caramel.

The fewer peanuts obviously means it’s not as crunchy, but the pretzel does bring in an interesting dynamic – unlike peanuts that turn into a buttery mush as you chew it, the pretzel is a quick, crisp bite and it dissolves off very quickly leaving a clean finish. Depending on what you look for, that could be a good or bad thing. I find it interesting and makes it much easier to scarf these down. It’s a clear trade off between chew or clean finish. I’m honestly good with both and don’t mind the change up at all.
It’s probably a good thing these are a limited run. If they were more common place I would probably end up getting this more often than my body can handle. Having said that, if it does come back in some way, shape or form I would definitely get it again. If only the bar wasn’t so small…