Old Dutch – Bar-B-Q Corn Chips
I used to love this style of corn chips as a kid. This was a combination of a few things. For starters, these would usually have a higher weight count than other similarly priced chips, and when you’re a kid with nothing but pocket change, you have to find ways to get the most bang for your buck. The chips tended to be on the smaller side as well, so it gave the impression of abundance, which I also loved. Most importantly though, they were a salty, satisfying snack. And at the end of the day, isn’t that what we all want?
While this particular bag is by Old Dutch, and the ones I bought the most as a kid were Frito Lay’s, there’s going to be some differences. Based on what I’m smelling from the bag, and from what they look like though, I don’t imagine there being too much of a difference.

This style of corn chip is different from the triangular tortilla chips that are far more common nowadays. These ones are smaller in size, usually rectangular but also curl from the frying process. What you end up with is something a bit thicker, and potentially better for dipping with. Something about how they curl creates a small curve that kind of reminds you of a scoop or a spoon. I get why people would do that, but I personally have never felt the urge to. Fun fact – this style of corn chip was already well established in North America as THE corn chip, before Doritos came along and became what we now associate with corn chips. Crazy to think about, eh?

These have a very crunchy texture, something that should come as no surprise to anyone who has fried corn snacks. They are smaller in size than tortilla chips, but they are also a bit thicker so they have a bit less crispiness to them, but more crunch which I’m always down for.
These are salty, which is kind of why I like them. Probably best to have a thirst-quenching liquid of some sort nearby as these will parch you, especially if you eat them handful after another like I do. These have a savoury BBQ flavour to them, and it’s fairly simple. It’s nothing fancy or complex, and has exactly what you’d expect out of a generic BBQ sauce. It’s fair to say that
At this point it’s fair to say that when it comes to BBQ corn chips, it’s basically the same across brands. There are small little nuanced little differences between brands in terms of texture of flavour, but nothing I feel worth mentioning. If you’ve tried this, you’ve tried most of them.