Pretz – Crispy Butter Shoyu
The old saying that good things come in small packages is something that always dumbfounded me a bit. It’s just so vague and I don’t know what the take away is supposed to be, exactly. I know it’s supposed to be about how value of things isn’t based on size or appearance, but couldn’t you also interpret the phrase in other ways too? Like small animals are better than big ones, or diamonds are better than big crystals? I’m not sure why but I have a bit of a beef with the phrase. Anyways.
Today’s product is an example of something that actually is a good thing that comes in a small package. Well, in the individual stick sense that these are way thinner and smaller than the original Pretz stick. And to me they are quite the good thing. It’s also promoting the milestone of 1000 episodes of One Piece. I was into the manga at one point but I lost my attention span and mayhaps eventually pick it back up.

The crispy line of Pretz has been around for around 3 or 4 years at this point, as far as I can remember, and it seems popular enough that it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Which is great for me because as much as I like the original Pretz, I’m finding I like these ones just a little bit more. Unless it’s a case of portability in which having a whole pack of tiny sticks can get messy and noisy compared to the OG which is the standard, thicker sticks that aren’t nearly as brittle and more on the crispy side, rather than crunchy. Weird how that works, huh?

The texture I am quite fond of – I tend to prefer denser, crunchier snacks and this is just that. However, because of it’s very thin stature, it comes across more as a crisp, clean snap of a pretzel rather than something hard or brittle. There’s the tagline on the box that there’s at least 100 sticks, and given how thin these are I could believe that. I am a bit of a glutton sometimes, and I found myself chomping down on three or four sticks at the same time.

The flavour is something to be admired. It has the distinct dairy smoothness of butter, while also having that distinct soy flavour that shoyu has. It comes together to create a smooth, savoury flavour that compliments the texture quite well. Unlike the other flavours of the crispy style Pretz I’ve had, this one is not overpowering and has just the right amount of savoury goodness to it. You could eat it on it’s own, or accompany it with a nice cold drink. This is a versatile flavour.

I don’t want to say that the other flavours I’ve had aren’t good, because they were quite tasty. But the big thing I enjoyed about them was the texture. This flavour manages to hit both of those notes, the texture that I am quite fond of married with the deliciously delightful, and complex taste of butter and soy that really kept me from not eating the whole thing in a short sitting. I would definitely get this again, and in fact I think I need to do some hunting right now…