Reeseās Pieces With Cookie
On the long list of companies throwing ideas at a wall and figuring out what will stick, we have Reese’s taking their shot with putting yet another component inside of their chocolate pieces. Truthfully I would be lying if I said I was looking forward to this. This is more a situation of, I tried one of the other varieties and enjoyed it a lot so I figure I ought to give this a try. You know, for science. Anything for the knowledge.
These are very round. Something about how round these are is very pleasing to me. It makes me think of chocolate covered Reese’s Pieces cereal. In fact, it wouldn’t shock me if the cookie pieces in the cereal were used as the base for these. Now I’m getting flashbacks to my childhood when I managed to convince my parents to get me a box of them. It was one of the few cereals that was tasty and didn’t require some sort of freebie or sweepstakes to convince me to buy it. They were just that enticing.
These are basically the creation of if you took a Reese’s piece and shoved a small cookie bite into the centre. The cookie doesn’t add much in the way of flavour, at least not in a noticeable way. Most of it’s contribution is in the texture, since the Reese’s peanut butter chocolate overpowers everything else. If you squint your mind’s eye really hard and channel that energy into your mind’s tongue you may be able to taste a slight hint of chocolate cookie. But just barely. Also you might just be projecting since it’s so mild.

The texture is interesting because it’s just like biting into a cookies and cream bar but getting the cookie piece, and the chocolate has a snappy outer shell to it. It is probably not all that different from a cookie M&M, even though I haven’t had those. They have an airy crunch when you get to the center of it, but it’s not a clean finish as with any other type of cookie filling, it tends to clump together as it tries to melt away. If you’re still not clear how that works, think about how your mouth feels when you eat just an Oreo biscuit on it’s own without the cream or milk. Basically that. Now I’m just imagining what these would taste like with a cup of milk. Hell, throw them into a bowl of milk and eat it like a cereal.

While I enjoy these, I’d say that the variation with pretzel in the center is my preference. It’s got more of a snap to it and a cleaner finish which works well with the chocolate. This one is great, but the texture just isn’t as good or unique as the pretzel one. If anything this variation makes me want the cereal more than anything.