Reese’s – Snack Cakes

Snack cakes weren’t something I enjoyed much as a kid. That isn’t to say it wasn’t around, because it was, and it was everywhere. Something about a lot of the snack cakes I remember having was that they were dry to me. Similar to how most sponge cake feels dry to me, even if it actually isn’t, is what made me avoid snack cakes for most of my life. I don’t actively avoid them though, so if I see something that looks interesting I’ll still give it the old college try. I just expect much less out of snack cake products. I won’t win many popularity contests by saying this, but Twinkies are kind of gross to me.

It’s worth mentioning at this point, that I am a fan of Reese’s products as a whole. I haven’t tried too many of their more creative and wacky products, but out of the core offering I enjoy most, if not all they have to offer. When I found this in a specialty store, I feel like I had a brain lapse. How did I go this long without realizing they had a snack cake in their line up? I’m not sure if this was a new product or some sort of limited release, but I was drawn to it instantly. Snack cakes usually suffer from being too spongy or dry, but with something rich like peanut butter and chocolate, maybe that won’t be such a bad thing.

And so here we are. These look like a typical chocolate bar on the outside. It has a certain heft to the bar, which is what you want from your chocolate right? There’s a time and place for light, fluffy candy bars, but when you’re hangry for the combo of chocolate and peanut butter, like a Reese’s cup, you want heft.

Big boi.

The packaging on the front is pretty true to the actual product, there’s not a whole lot of ambiguity here. The top layer is the peanut butter, while the bottom is a baked chocolate cake. The combination of the two together remind me a bit of a protein bar, but in good way.

The flavour of the peanut butter filling is the classic filling in the butter cups. It’s a bit smaller here, due to the size of the bar. The chocolate cake layer reminds me of a chocolate cake pop. For those who don’t know, it’s when you take a piece of cake and roll it into a ball before coating it in chocolate or some other confection. You end up with someone that’s not as spongy as the original cake, but not firm and just the right density while keeping the flavour. That’s what I get here.

Such density. Wow.

The texture of the peanut butter filling is basically the same as the butter cups. The chocolate cake layer is not dense, and is surprisingly moist and slightly airy. It’s very soft and definitely bites like a snack cake, more than a chocolate, but is closer to something akin to a nougat than anything else. It’s surprisingly good, and was not spongy at all, which is what I was expecting.

I am pleasantly surprised by this overall, and I would do this again. This feels heavier then a typical Reese’s cup, but it also sits heavier too. If for some reason you are looking for the classic Reese’s flavour but want it to sit heavy in your stomach, grab these if you can find them. Key word being “if”.

This will fill you up alright.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.