Ritter Sport – Milk Chocolate with Butter Biscuit

When I was a kid, I had to engage in fundraising to help subsidize my overnight and out of province field trip. Thinking back on it now, it was kind of a scam. We basically had to sell chocolates or cookies to help pay off part of our school trip fee. It was crazy expensive, and the conversion rate was pretty awful. One year we sold chocolate almonds, which suffice to say I dipped into a lot of the product. The second year we had to sell these chocolate butter biscuits. It was mostly a relatively inexpensive brand biscuit that had a big hunk of milk chocolate on top of it. I didn’t dip into my own product much that year because I very quickly got sick of it. To this day I sometimes think about those cookies, and I get a little grossed out. It’s why when I saw this flavour, I was a bit hesitant, but it is Ritter Sport, so I’m willing to look past previous horrors.

This flavour is considered one of their classic line up bars – it’s a big old butter biscuit that’s enrobed in chocolate on both sides. If you enjoy butter biscuits then this is just a no brainer. Well, assuming you actually enjoy butter biscuits and aren’t just buying it for the sake of curiosity like I am. The things I do to sate it.

A decent ratio of biscuit to chocolate.

The biscuit itself is pretty much what I expect from a typical butter biscuit – it’s a bit bland on it’s own, but crumbly enough that it’s quite soft and leaves a huge mess if you aren’t careful. All part of the biscuit eating experience, so standard in that aspect. The milk chocolate is par for the course when it comes to Ritter Sport. It’s melty, a tad on the sweeter side, but tasty overall and compliments the blandness of the biscuit, which is really just their for texture.

The biscuit is legit.

The texture is no different than any other type of chocolate covered butter biscuit. I realize as I type that out, it may not be as common as it was when I was a kid. It’s basically a really standard biscuit that’s crumbly, somewhat brittle and super messy to eat. The chocolate is typical affair, not too melty, not too brittle. Being a bit more pliable, the chocolate does a good job of keeping everything together and helping mitigate some of the crumbly mess that a biscuit on it’s own would leave.

While I can’t say I am a big butter biscuit fan, I do see why people enjoy this and the flavour is a staple of their standard line up. If I did enjoy butter biscuits, I’m sure I would be a lot fatter if I had easy access to these bars. It’s pretty good, all things considered.

Seems like a fair trade off for biscuit lovers.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.