Ritter Sport – Yogurt Love
I don’t tend to see Ritter Sport outside of the standard bar format, so seeing a product like this always piques my curiosity. Especially when it’s a lesser known variety in our neck of the woods like yogurt. The big selling point here is the blackcurrant yogurt, which combines two things I love.

There’s 8 of the standard yogurt, 7 of blackcurrant yogurt, and 7 of the strawberry yogurt. A fair distribution I’d say. Over-packaging aside, I love these releases because they are less messy then trying to break off squares of a bar, and it’s also way easier to share.

Yogurt is tangy and has a strong dairy flavour to it. It works really well as a contrast against the sweet milk chocolate background, with the tangy yogurt flavour in the forefront. Yogurt as a standard flavour is very common and easy to find in Europe, but for whatever reason it’s rare, if not impossible to find outside of some very specialized European groceries in my neck of the woods.

Since I fell in love with Ritter as a kid, one of my goals is to seek and destroy any yogurt based flavours I can find, since it’s so rare. It’s not a flavour for everyone, but I enjoy it quite a bit and wish it would come over here as a staple.

Strawberry yogurt is tangy, floral and fruity. There are little bits of freeze dried strawberries that remind me of the texture contrast when biting into a strawberry and you get the seeds. I’d say the biggest difference between this and the yogurt flavour is this is far less neutral and somewhat more sweet. It’s got a very fruity berry quality to it that is a little different from the typical strawberry flavouring used in most chocolates. By this I mean that it seems to rely more on the bits of freeze dried strawberries, which results it in being overall like an actual strawberry than the typical sweet artificial strawberry, so that’s refreshing.

The blackcurrant yogurt is also tangy, floral and fruity, but this one is significantly more tart and sour than the strawberry. Much like an actual blackcurrant, this has a tart berry flavour to it that works well to contrast the overall sweetness of the chocolate. Truthfully the tartness of this piece reminds me so much of citrus that if I didn’t know any better I might confuse this for some sort of lemon flavour. The berriness is the one thing making the more obvious it isn’t.

I can confidently say I enjoy the yogurt based flavours as much as I always have, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. This box is a great way to share that yogurt love, and I would definitely be getting this again, especially the share and bring more people into the cult of Ritter Yogurt.