Snyder’s of Hanover Pretzel Pieces – Cheddar Cheese
It’s actually a little surprising that I haven’t gotten around to reviewing these. These are one of those snacks that I chanced upon as a youth and it quickly became a staple snack for me. Buckle up kids, because I remember it like it was yesterday.
Back when I was a young(er) lad and still believed that academics were the end all, I would spend most of my weekend mornings studying at a local library. I can’t say these sessions were terribly productive, but the change of scenery and distance from my computer did help me focus, if even for a brief moment. One of the things I looked forward to was around lunch time when I would leave the library and go walking around the local nearby strip mall. One of my favourite spots to visit was a local bulk food seller. They sold a lot of bulk snacks that I enjoyed, but on this particular week I wasn’t feeling corn nuts or ringolos again. I noticed they had a sale on pretzel pieces. Keep in mind that up until this point, I detested pretzels. Not to the point that I wouldn’t eat them if they were in front of me, but enough that I would actively avoid paying for them or buying them. But these looked enticing, what with all the colour and the little words on the bag saying “bursting with flavour” or something similar. Suffice to say, I fell in love and the rest is history.

The only thing that saddens me is that they discontinued their buttermilk ranch flavour in Canada. I’ve yet to find them since over a decade ago. But alas, today is not about what’s lost, but what is with us now, in the present. My second favourite flavour was the cheddar cheese flavour, so at least they are still around. Usually nostalgia colours our perception and makes us think things were better or worse in the past, skewed based on how we viewed that prior time. In this case, they look and smell exactly as they have all these years. Well, as exact as you can get when you are taking a giant pretzel and breaking it into fragments. They are all unique in their own way, like snowflakes.
The flavour of these is quite strong, sometimes even salty at times if you get the wrong handful. But in a good way – the cheese flavour is strong and it’s honestly hard for me to think something has too much cheese. They make a point of calling out the fact that these are bursting with flavour, and I am inclined to agree with them. I’m not exactly grasping for water, but having a beverage or water nearby definitely helps if you plan on inhaling these, as I have.

The texture is what you would imagine a very thick, firm, tough pretzel. But because it’s broken into very small pieces for the most part, it’s not a big deal and what you end up is with pieces that are very crunchy in parts. The “skin” of the pretzel has a crunchier texture, which should not be any surprise. The inner pieces are a bit softer and more like a really dense fried dough piece. I personally prefer pieces with more of the outer shell, but to each their own.
As you would expect, I love these and have nothing but praise for them. Well, if we have to nitpick, these, like most bread or dough based foods are pretty carb heavy and will do it’s damage if you aren’t careful. Personally I’m fine with that but everyone’s mileage may vary. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.