Hi-Chew – Banana & Milk
Admittedly I’ve done a lot of duplicate flavours by now, and even if this isn’t a dupe, surely there is a lot of overlap with my other reviews. I have a tough time figuring how…
Something something random
Admittedly I’ve done a lot of duplicate flavours by now, and even if this isn’t a dupe, surely there is a lot of overlap with my other reviews. I have a tough time figuring how…
This was a gift from a family friend, and I was intrigued by the packaging, so I dug right into it. It looks fancy enough, and upon further research, it seems these are indeed, confirmed…
When I saw these, I confused them at first with the similar looking product line of Lotte which combines fruits with liquors. They have a similar look and are going for the same premium feel…
When east meets west – a common phrase used to denote the marriage of two vastly different cultures. Mayhaps it’s just me personal experience, but when I hear that phrase I often think of food,…
I’ve done a few of these alcoholic chocolate flavours at this point, and most are honestly pretty decent all things considered. While I do think orange works well with stronger alcohol flavours, I’m neither a…
Most people who know me on any personal level will know at least two things about me – I love Ritter Sport, and I love the holidays because of special limited edition seasonal flavours. It…
I think it’s safe to say that I’m now at a point where I am grasping at straws as far as trying new Hi-Chew flavours is. Apart from really gimmicky and seasonal flavours, there’s not…
Just like every other brand that started off targeting kids, Chocoball has started to try and recapture that nostalgia of the children that grew up on it with premium flavours. Trying to bring it the…
Bourbon is a big brand that’s been around for a long time. They have had some hits and some misses, but I know them mostly for their chocolate ganache filled mochi. Just thinking about those…
Hokkaido has made a name for itself by being the self-proclaimed king of fresh cream and melons when it comes to Japanese products. While I have indeed had some products from Hokkaido that are indeed…