Tirol Chocolate – European Sugar Cone
As more time passes and I try more and more of what Tirol has to offer, I’m beginning to think that they take the approach of throwing as many darts at a board and seeing what sticks. By this I mean they release a lot, and I mean A LOT of flavours each year, many of which don’t come back in the same exact format. Whether this is due to feedback or realizing that something didn’t work or wasn’t feasible to continue making, they go through ideas like wildfire.
There’s obvious benefits to doing this, as the novelty of new flavours is always exciting. It’s also kind of frustrating for me, trying to keep up with all of them, and discovering that some of them are way more gimmicky than tasty or consistent. It makes me wonder how much emphasis is placed on the gimmick, rather than the flavour.
This particular flavour is a crossover with Kracie, and incidentally is also a returning flavour in a sense that they’ve done something similar before. Kracie is a brand that’s known mostly for their line of Poppin’ Cookin’ DIY kits. They have savoury kits where you take powders, add water and make yourself a cute little meal (which is technically edible) as well as candy sets which you can also make out of powder and water. I don’t know the brand well enough beyond that to have any context why this is a collaboration with Tirol, but I won’t say no to anything waffle or sugar cone related.
When I was a kid waffle cones were a premium and an luxury. It wasn’t commonplace unless it was a special even like a birthday. Any other time and you had to stick with the default cone or cup that wasn’t any extra money. Naturally I have an association with waffle cones and sugar cones to premium, or fancy. Extra, if you will.

The flavour of this is a combination of what appears to be vanilla and chocolate to emulate that swirl. The sugar cone itself is also sweet, so the whole thing is a bit on the sweet side. I wonder if this would taste any different if I stuck it in the freezer for 15 minutes…As it stands though, the flavour is nothing work raving about – it’s what you would expect and it’s fairly standard. Gets the job done, but nothing that makes this stand out. The texture on the other hand…

The texture is where this shines – there’s bits of sugar cone in the centre of the chocolate and there’s a fair bit of it too. As someone who mostly wanted to try this for the cone bits, I’m a big fan of this. It reminds me a lot of eating Drumsticks or other ice cream cone based desserts. For those who haven’t tried it before, Drumsticks are a frozen dessert that are basically a sugar cone filled with chocolate to help it keep it’s structural integrity, while it’s topped off with some ice cream and dipped into chocolate or whatever else the flavour is. When you get closer to the bottom it’s basically just a chocolate filled waffle cone, which is delicious. This gives me the same vibes, and for that reason I love the texture of this.

This piece will go on to my list of flavours I would seek out again. While the flavour itself is nothing special, the texture is what gets me craving it, and I would get it again, if for no other reason than that waffle cone texture. Though truth be told it might just be easier to go buy some Drumsticks or sugar cones and chocolate and do it myself.