Tirol Chocolate – Strawberries and Milk
I think it’s fair to say I went a bit overboard with the snack buying during my trip to Japan. A lot of that blame falls on Tirol, where I would scour every store and shop I saw to see what new variety I could find. Spoiler alert – it was A LOT.
Today’s variety is the larger size pieces, that are sold individually in stores for about 30 yen a piece. It’s a timeless combination – strawberries and milk chocolate. Although this is more a combination of two of their standard flavours – strawberry jam and milk. I keep referencing milk chocolate, but Tirol’s version of “Milk” is not the typical milk chocolate, but rather a chocolate that is supposedly white and more creamy, simulating the milk you drink. I have noticed in past experiences with that flavour that it tends to be a little less sweet and more reminiscent of actual drinking milk.
Like with a lot of their classic, large sized pieces, it has cute little patterns on the top. This particular piece is the standard rocket ship. It has no real impact on the piece itself, it’s just a nice touch that adds a little bit of surprise and collectibility to them I guess.

Interestingly enough, this is one of those two toned pieces, where the bottom is white, and the top is pink. I’m guessing it’s where they took the easy route and just combined the mold on two flavours, and you have to eat it together for the full strawberry milk experience.

The milk part of the chocolate may seem out of place at first, and the combination kind of pointless. But after biting into it, I’m greeted by that sweet, familiar strawberry flavour. The milk layer as I mentioned before, isn’t that sweet and it helps to cut some of the sweetness of the strawberry layers. I enjoy the balance more than the usual pieces that use milk chocolate, as the sweet gets excessive and makes me sick after a few pieces. Not that I would ever eat that many pieces in one sitting. I’m not a monster.

While there’s nothing revolutionary about the piece (not that anyone was expecting it to be), it does what it is supposed to quite well. It’s obviously a bit on the sweet side, as is any strawberry flavoured chocolate with jam, but it’s still more natural and pleasant than the standard milk chocolate coating (which is even sweeter). I would recommend giving this a go if you like strawberry flavoured anything.