Toppo – Rich Matcha
I feel like I’ve slowed down on my Toppo hype train in the past while, and I chalk it up to the brand being less adventurous with new flavours. Even a lot of their seasonal or limited releases are just rehashes of flavours they’ve done before. That may sound like I’m complaining, but I’m not. As I get older I’ve come to appreciate quality over quantity, and sometimes it’s a good thing to focus on what a brand does well, over the novelty of potentially trying to cash in on a fleeting trend.
I haven’t seen this particular flavour before, but I don’t know if Toppo has done matcha as a staple flavour. I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t, so the fact that I haven’t seen these up until now is just ever so puzzling to me. But this is the good kind of surprise, as matcha chocolate just seems so hard to screw up at this point. Technology has come so far!

There’s a lady on the packaging, and I have no idea who she is. I can only assume she’s either a famous lady in the matcha field, a famous business person, a celebrity of some sort, or one of the experts at the forefront of matcha. If it’s none of those, well than I really and truly have no clue why she’s on the packaging.

I counted about twelve sticks, and while these aren’t the thicc boi sticks, these are the standard ones. These feel a lot easier to eat in hotter weathers, mostly because the biscuit is on the inside rather than the outside, so even if it’s melting you still have a decent handle to hold on to. The texture is like biting into a soft-ish hollow pretzel with soft-ish chocolate in the centre. It’s sort of like a less messy version of a chocolate wafer. A nice clean snap, very few crumbs, and what I consider a good ratio of biscuit to filling.

On the topic of filling, the flavour and smell is of a very deep, rich matcha. It’s got a distinct matcha bitterness, but not enough to cause me to recoil or leave a chalky sensation in my mouth. It’s very reminiscent of a darker, flavourful tea. It makes me think this would go great with an actual tea. Matcha lovers everywhere would love this, I imagine. It’s more of the actual matcha flavour then the lighter ones that end up reminding me of cookies and cream.
I really enjoyed this, and if I’m wrong and this is a staple flavour, I love it all the more. You can bet your bottom dollar I will get these again, and if you enjoy the profile of the matcha flavour you should too.