Hi-Chew – Persimmon
Persimmon is one of those fruits I could never really get behind. I never was able to figure out the ideal consumption state for the fruit. Either it wasn’t ripe enough, and it was all…
Something something random
Persimmon is one of those fruits I could never really get behind. I never was able to figure out the ideal consumption state for the fruit. Either it wasn’t ripe enough, and it was all…
I don’t much care for summer. Maybe it’s because I was born in the winter, and that has some part to play in my disposition towards colder temperatures, but while most people enjoy the hot,…
Expectations are a tricky thing. The same experience can be seen as good and bad by two different people, entirely on the basis of their expectation. If you have high expectations, and said expectations are…
When I first started this thing, I didn’t really intend on having it morph into a snack review blog. It just kind of happened. I like to occasionally throw in my random thoughts into their…
One of the things I remember from my childhood was a candy called Lotsa Fizz. It came in strips of 5, and was sold fairly cheap by the convenience store near my house. Every once…
If there’s anything I’ve learned about Japan and all their crazy varieties and flavours, it’s that they love to do regional specific flavours. This variety isn’t exactly regional specific, but it feels like it’s along…
In my previous review of the Caplis hard candies, I was pretty happy with how each of the flavours turned out, and how well they captured the flavours of the actual drinks in a hard…
When I think of chewy candies, the first brand that comes to mind is Hi-Chew. I wish I could tell you that there was another brand that came in a close second, but alas it’s…
Another hard candy entry today. I have much higher hopes for this one though, since it’s based on a product I’ve had experiences with before. I’ve only had experience with the original flavour, the soda…
As a kid, I had certain experiences that have formed my opinion on certain foods. Sometimes even if I can logically reason why I have a bias against said foods, I can’t mentally bring myself…