Chocoball – Salty Truffle Chocolate

I’ve really gotten back into Chocoball in recent times. I guess in my memory, I remember what it was when I was a kid, which was a fun but kind of boring snack. Boring because I had so many similar options to try, and I overdid it. But I’ve decided to give them new chances, largely because they’ve started doing these premium style pouches where the balls are bigger but you get much less of them. A classic quality over quantity, or so I hope.

The texture is the same across all the balls, and it’s a really simple formula – a biscuit ball is coated in a layer of chocolate. That’s it, a biscuit and a chocolate – simple yet effective. It’s by no means a unique or original concept, but when it’s executed well you barely notice. When it’s done poorly though, you can tell. Thankfully this falls in the category of the former, rather than the latter.

Interesting colour scheme going.

At first I thought I was going crazy because I saw two colour balls in the bag – one was a the typical chocolate brown colour and the other was a light, almost tan coloured. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the chocolate having been through hell and back to make it to my neck of the woods, but I was a little concerned to say the least. As I bite into the normal looking one, I am greeted with the flavour of typical generic chocolate. Not bad, but nothing special. I am a bit relieved, but also curious why this would be marketed as a premium-ish product and be more expensive than the typical Chocoball offering. It isn’t until I bit into the tan coloured one that I realized there’s a difference – I’m met with a pungent, yet familar flavour of truffle, and a rather generous flavour of salt. I can see why they mixed in regular flavour balls, because I’m not sure I would be a huge fan if the entire bag was this.

These look a little squished compared to what I was expecting.

It feels silly to say, because I bought this expecting it to be salty truffle, but what I wasn’t expecting was how strong the truffle and salt flavour are. It’s sort of a mind melting experience of trying to mash something savoury with something sweet like chocolate. My brain is still trying to process this a little.

A pretty sizeable biscuit in the middle.

After taking a bit of a break and letting cooler heads prevail, I gave the salty balls another try. I think I’m coming around a little, and the flavour just takes some getting used to. I can’t be a 100% sure though, since there aren’t enough balls for me to tell if I got used to it, or I’m just relieved it’s over.

While I’m not sure I would get this particular flavour again, I do enjoy this format so I will definitely try out some more flavours. Whether I get the salty truffle flavour again…well maybe if the mood strikes me in a weird way or on a strange day. Otherwise, once is enough for me.

Big balls, big calories.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.

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