Chocoball – White Mochi Mochi Chocolate

Just like every other brand that started off targeting kids, Chocoball has started to try and recapture that nostalgia of the children that grew up on it with premium flavours. Trying to bring it the adults who would now be being Chocoball for their own kids. Generally this comes in the form of “adult” or “premium” product lines. It’s an interesting trend, which I like because I’m big on trying new things, but I wonder when it will exhaust itself.

This pouch has some big white balls, but sadly only 7 in total. Each one is quite large though, and houses a nice big piece of mochi in the centre. So big in fact that they had to emphasize it twice. In case you didn’t already realize. It just crossed my mind, that I am a fairly large person in terms of hands, and to me these look big. But what if a kid was facing these big white balls? They would probably feel a bit overwhelmed, and I’d almost feel like this would be a legitimate choking hazard to a small enough child.

I like big balls and I cannot lie.

The white chocolate outer shell is pretty straight forward white chocolate. It’s sweet and unapologetically so – it’s basically just a ball of sugar and butter and milk, and admittedly it does it well for what it’s going for. The flavour is also quite one note since the mochi centre has no flavour on it’s own, and is just a texture play. White chocolate is really simple in it’s execution here, and there’s no hints of vanilla or anything other than good ol’ sugar and dairy.

You other brothers can’t deny.

The texture of the chocolate outer shell is standard in what you would find in any chocolate covered treats like almonds or hazelnuts. It’s got a decent tempering but once you start chewing it melts away pretty quickly. The mochi is quite firm, and quite large and has a nice gelatin bounce to it. It’s like a firm gummy bear more than a mochi, but the texture is interesting enough to make it enjoyable.

Let’s cut the chase – I enjoy these, but not for the flavour, for the texture. I love how they did the mochi, and it is an enjoyable experience. I’m largely indifferent to the flavour though, and it doesn’t wow me or thrill me. That being said, if it had a more interesting flavour this would be an instant buy for me. As it stands, I am open to trying this same format, but a different flavour.

These bad boys need a choking warning on them.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.