Cototto Honey Mixed Berry Gummies
In trying times, we find comfort in familiar things. For me, that comes in the form of familiar flavours or feelings. Even if I’ve never tried a specific product, if it gives me the impression that I’ve had it before or I can guess the flavour, it brings me a certain sense of comfort. It’s kind of like how once you’ve tasted grape soda, if you see something branded as grape soda or looks like it’s a grape soda, you associate it with what you’ve had in the past. But in a good way. That’s the strange feeling I get from today’s product.
These gummies are marketed as having the sweet taste of honey and mixed berries. Honestly, I was sold at mixed berries. I’m a sucker for mixed berries as a flavour, so they honey is just a plus. Mixed berries bring me back to a simpler time in my childhood, a time when I wanted it all, and somehow mixed berries felt like I didn’t have to choose between various flavours, and could just have all of them in one go. Like when you first discover a self-serve drink fountain and decide you want a little bit of all the drinks. Something empowering about the power of choice, isn’t there?
While they’re called gummies, these remind me more of those fruit jellies that were super popular at one point. I still see them around sometimes, but not quite as much so maybe they’ve fallen out of vogue? It’s hard not remember those colourful, appropriately shaped jellies with distinct fruit flavours.

Right off the bat, I have to say that these are quite a bit bigger than I expected. I’d say they’re about twice the size i was expecting, based on the packaging on the front. I’m not complaining, I’m just making an observation. They are shaped a bit like a tear drop, and look to be fairly firm on the outside, with a coating of sugar, just like fruit jellies. They smell very floral, more so than the berry smell. Part of that is probably the honey. It’s almost floral to the point that I am reminded of roses.

Let’s talk about the texture first – it’s exactly like a fruit jelly. The outside is somewhat firm, but it’s all a facade and quickly fades away with a bit of bite and reveals a soft, pliable jelly on the inside. The consistency is the same throughout with the exception of the outer shell, which I guess is due to the layer of sugar coating. If you’ve never had a fruit jelly, the texture isn’t bouncy, and is kind of like eating a very firm, dense jello, without all the jiggly fun. It has a little bit of bounce when you bite in, but that’s about it in terms of chewing required.
In terms of the flavour, the mixed berries come through very strong, and like mixed berries flavours of the past, it’s hard to isolate a specific berry. The aftertaste is clearly raspberry though, but beyond that I can’t tell you what other berries are in it other than the usual strawberry and blueberry. The honey is probably the distinguishing flavour profile here. Honey usually has a distinct flavour when used in snacks and candy, and this is no exception. If you like the flavour of honey, you’ll find this gummy a comforting one. The honey seems to bring out the floral notes of the overall candy, so if you’re into that sort of thing like I am, this is a big plus.
There is something oddly comforting about this candy, and I imagine it’s for the nostalgic feeling it brings with it’s flavour. The only thing I would say is this is very much a fruit jelly, and not so much a gummy. I’m not sure about others but the distinction is important for me, as the texture and mouth feel is different between the two. With that in mind though, I would recommend this for sure.