FRANK – Sweet Gummies Mix
It’s a good thing that I am in the habit of sharing. I’m not sure what else I would do with this giant bag of gummies that’s over a pound heavy. This thing has heft, I’ll tell you what. To be quite frank (is this getting old yet?!), I’m not too sure what to expect from this bag. I mean, I have a general idea what’s inside, but I’m not sure exactly what the breakdown is. There’s supposed to be licorice pieces and gummies, but what’s the ratio? What flavours should I be expecting? What shapes and sizes are they going to be? So many questions. I’m hoping at least a few of them will be solved by the end of this.
On the back of the bag, it says that this giant chonker of a bag is the union of three different candies. I’m not sure how they classify a “candy”, because from the front packaging, it looks like there’s way more than 3 candies going on. Maybe they meant candy assortment? Either way, I’m hoping all will make more sense when I open the bag up.

Gosh. It’s not often that this happens, but I am quite overwhelmed by how much is going on from just the peak into the bag. Just by looking in, I see licorice pieces, gummy worms, gummy fruits, gummy bears, gummy aquatic life, cola bottles, gummy key rings, random gummy shapes like cars, foam animals, and cherries. And that’s just the stuff I can see right now. Being the methodical, structured reviewer I am, I originally intended to figure out what all the flavours and shape combinations were and I’d review them each individually.
As you can tell from the shot below, this approach was not going to work, as it became painstakingly clear to me how random it was. The more I poured out, the more I realized I wasn’t getting doubles, and the entire bag is just gummy anarchy. There were no fixed shapes or flavours, rather it felt like it was bag of flavours, and a bag of shapes. The machine would do all the random permutations and assortments so that ultimately, you could go through an entire bag and still not figure out the combinations.

Since my approach of doing specific flavours or types has gone out the window, I guess I’ll have to settle for doing a more general overview. The gummies are overall a bit on the softer side. I personally prefer tougher gummies like Haribo, so your mileage may vary. Because of so many flavours and colours, it’s hard to tell what’s what so it’s honestly a bit of a crap shoot. Which makes for a fun party game I guess. Unless your diabetic, in which case you’re not missing much. As one of my assistants put it so aptly, the flavours kind of bleed into one another after a while. But if you enjoy gummies, this is still a good variety to try. It seemed like the overall loser though, were the licorice pieces. The licorice pieces all had fondant in the centre, and reactions ranged from disgusted to “do you want this instead?” The winner of this bag would probably be the half gummy half foam pieces, like the crocodiles. All in all, choice is great, but this one has too much choice that if you have decision paralysis, this mix will probably see you dead in a ditch somewhere.
My biggest concern with this bag is not so much the calories, but the sugar. It should be no surprise that I had to engage a large group of assistants to work through this bag and I can tell you it was not a pleasant afternoon afterwards. That having been said, I think this is a great bag for a large party, if not for just the novelty of trying to figure out what all the flavours are, and finding all the fun shapes and forms the gummies come in.