Haribo – Sour Gummy Mix
Sour gummies are no stranger to me, nor are Haribo’s take on them. In fact, I can confidently say that Tangfastics is one of my all time favourite gummy mixes in general. It is what I consider the ideal sour gummy mix – it has fruity flavours, cola flavours, and a variety of textures too, with the foamy alligators as well as the firm, filling-removing gummy that Haribo is known for.
That being said, I also love to try new things. I don’t know if this particular mix is unique to Europe or I just haven’t seen it very often, but I didn’t notice this until very recently and figured it’s worth a shot. Tangfastics have set a really high standard, so realistically I don’t expect this to come anywhere close to it.
Looking through the bag I notice five different shapes here – sour keys, sour cherries, sour cola, sour sticks and sour rings. Apart from the sour keys these look to all be a single flavour per shape, with the sour keys having at least two different ones from what I can see.

I don’t know if it’s because the gummies are fresher or what not, but they are a bit softer and less firm and more on the sticky side. While it’s not a bad thing, it’s different from what I was expecting. I’m sure my jaw is thanking me for it.
The flavours I get here are what I expected for the most part. The cola is classic happy cola flavour, the sour cherries are classic cherry flavour. Out of the somewhat more novel and less classic ones, the yellow looking stick appears to be some sort of citrus flavour. I get a hit of citrus, but it’s not at super sour citrus, and more like a low key lemon.
The sour keys come in two flavours – the orange one tastes like peach, and the pink one tasting like some sort of floral berry I can’t pin down but likely a strawberry. The dark red one tastes like a more smoky berry, but just barely. It’s different, but not in a way I can really describe. It’s still in the ballpark of being a berry though.
The weird one for me is the sour ring. I say weird because I was expecting it to be the cherry flavour but in a ring shape. It’s interesting because it actually tastes like two different flavours in the same piece – the green section is green apple, while the red section is also apple but not so sour.
This is a good combination, though maybe not my favourite since Tangfastics exist. This is still a really great mix and I can safely recommend it to any fans of gummies or sour gummies. There’s good variety of flavours here and visually appealing enough to make it a fun experience too.