Haribo – Weinland
I like to walk through and talk about why I make certain purchase decisions. Whether it’s a way for me to learn more about myself, or just rationalize a potentially poor purchase decision, it helps the cognitive process. This one is fairly simple and straight forward though – I love Haribo, I love gummies and I also love wine gums. At no point in the decision making process did this seem like a risky choice, so here we are.
These are interesting, for lack of a better term. When I got these, I thought they were going to be some sort of wine gum type candy. The shape is very similar to wine gums, and similarly it has words printed on them as well. But as I hold them in my hand, I can feel that they are very soft and squishy, unlike any wine gums I’ve had before which tend to be firm or harder. But I am curious if nothing else, so I have to try this. Plus, how bad could things possibly get?

The flavours are very similar to the standard gold bear flavours – we have raspberry, lemon, pineapple, strawberry and orange. I still get thrown by how green represents strawberry here, but given that raspberry occupies the red I can understand. The more I think about it the more I’m realizing these are just Golden Bears but in a different shape. I wonder if there’s an age where enjoying gummy bears is seen as infantile or immature. I’m getting up there in years, so I wonder if people judge me for still liking gummy bears. My counter point to that is, what other options are there if I want a good gummy?!

The first thing I think of when I bite into these is that they are basically a softer version of the classic gold bears. They are still firm and very chewy to bite into, but unlike the classic gold bear these are definitely on the softer side and don’t require as much jaw strength to chew on. The shape also plays a factor as well, since I don’t feel this weird urge to bite the head off the gummy bear as that’s usually close to the mid point. I swear I’m not the only one that does that…
The flavours are identical to the classic Haribo roster, pineapple and raspberry being my personal favourite. Overall this is a really easy recommendation. If you enjoy Haribo gummies, especially their Golden Bears and don’t mind something a little less taxing on the jaw, these are great. The only situation I can see where you might not want these is if they are beside a bag of Golden Bears. Otherwise, there’s really no reason to not get these.