Haribo – Yogurties
While my favourite thing about Haribo is that they go all out on the firmness of their gummies, I also appreciate their creativity and propensity to try all sorts of crazy flavours and styles of gummies. While they are known mostly for their stiff and firm gummies, they also branch out into the softer side of things, with foam gummies and show that they have the versatility to do it all. They just choose to go all in with the firm stuff, which I respect.
Yogurties are just as their name entails, little gummies that are yogurt and fruit flavoured. Using a translator shows that there’s strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, lemons, cherries and peach & passion fruit. They smell like a typical pouch of fruit snacks that seemed really common when I was a kid. Not sure if they are still as big of a thing these days.
For the most part, these flavours are very unique and the combination of fruit and yogurt works really well here. The best way I can describe it is that these are like the yogurts you get at grocery stores that have fruit at the bottom, and you decide to mix it all up. Each of the flavours has a nice, strong fruity taste to them and are enhanced by the tangy yogurt flavour quite well. These are more like yogurt that you eat, and not the Calpis or yogurt drinks that are more common in Asia.

Out of all these flavours, I actually find raspberry to be my favourite one. Lemon is actually surprisingly tasty as well. The most interesting one though is the peach & passion fruit flavour. I don’t think I’ve had passion fruit in yogurt, but if it’s anything like this flavour, I want some.
Texture is a departure from the firm, jaw workout that most Haribo candies are. These are the foamy variety, and far softer. In fact, they have very little resistance when you chomp down on them, and only slightly firmer than standard foamy gummies. What you end up with is something that is like a slightly airy, softer version of a fruit snack. While not my usual go to, these work really well when combined with the flavour profile.

I was pleasantly surprised by the flavours of this and I would definitely get this again. While there are some flavours that I liked more, none of them were bad by any means, and I’m happy with all of them – something that’s rare for me these days in these big assortments of flavours.