Kanro Throat Candy – Muscat
As a person who is generally extremely introverted and prefers alone time, the holidays can be a bit challenging for me. Going out for social obligations so much more than I usually do, I am prone to be tired and as a result overwork and tax my body. Fortunately, the festivities have pretty much been completed, and I can return to my self-imposed exile. Unfortunately, it seems I have caught a bug and my throat feels like absolute garbage right now.
It’s a good happenstance then, that I have a pack of what are apparently throat candy. I’m not sure what throat candy means exactly, but I’m assuming it’s something to consume when you have a sore or aching throat. This particular flavour is muscat, which I am always excited about. This little stick seems to have about 11 pieces of small, rectangular shaped hard candies that remind me of the throat candies we have here. While most of you might be thinking of Halls, these remind me more of Ludens, or the non-menthol flavour of Vicks, like orange.

There’s not a whole lot of smell from these, so I’m not sure if it’s just good, tight packaging or the flavour is just very mild. Popping one of these into my mouth, I am greeted with a mild, yet sweet muscat flavour. It isn’t overpowering, but also not too subtle, so that I get a nice muscat flavour as it slowly dissolves, like any hard candy would. Thankfully, as I let it sit in my mouth, at no point does it hit me with those awful fissures that some hard candies have. You know the ones, where they cut your mouth up as the piece moves about in your mouth. The candy has a fairly smooth flavour throughout, which is always a plus.

I’m not sure what it is about candies like these and Ludens, but they are somehow quite soothing. Apparently this candy has added vitamin C, but I doubt that’s what provides the temporary relief. Much like Ludens, it seems most of the ingredients are just sugar and corn syrup, so I’m guessing that’s what gives the relief? Sucking on sugar? While obviously not as soothing as something with menthol in it, this is surprisingly tasty and effective way to get some temporary relief, so I’ll take it.
Kanro also has many other flavours of throat candies, and if they’re anything like this muscat flavour, they have definitely caught my attention. If you like hard candy, and want a tastier alternative to something to sooth the throat, go and find one of these. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to crawl back into my cave and sleep off this cold. Oh and Happy new year, I guess.